Chinese law to limit homework and tutoring pressure on kids

PHOTO: A new Chinese law limits homework and tutoring. (via Flickr Andrej Iliev)

It’s been a common trope that Asian students keep their nose to the grindstone with long school hours, after school study, and mountains of homework. But China is taking action to address the stress of both homework and off-site tutoring in core subjects by passing a law requiring local governments to regulate these “twin pressures”.

According to official Chinese news agencies, the new law aims to reduce the twin pressures that students face to promote a healthier lifestyle. The full text of the law has yet to be published, but the essential basis of it is to place responsibility on local governments to try to regulate the amount of homework students are tasked with.


The law also calls on parents to be even-handed in scheduling their children’s time, with the dedication to education being complemented with enough time for rest and exercise.

This new law follows a string of legislation by Chinese authorities that have attempted to play a role in parenting for the youth of China. The government has expressed concern about overwhelmed children buried under piles of schoolwork among other problems they are attempting to address.

The Education Ministry has recently cut back on homework requirements as well as put a stop to after school tutoring on weekends and holidays for major subjects. They have also recently condemned the elevation of internet celebrities and enacted rules to limit children from overindulging in online games, with a crackdown allowing minors only 3 hours of gaming a week, one hour per day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

While Chinese children are likely not too keen on the harsh limits on gaming, they’re undoubtedly happy about the reduction in homework and after-school tutoring that places massive pressure on them.

SOURCE: Thai PBS World

World News

Neill Fronde

Neill is a journalist from the United States with 10+ years broadcasting experience and national news and magazine publications. He graduated with a degree in journalism and communications from the University of California and has been living in Thailand since 2014.

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