Songkhla Birthday beach party busted

PHOTO: Romain/Flickr

Recently, police in the Southern Thai province of Songkhla arrested 61 people at a birthday beach party. Reportedly, 35 suspects were minors.

The birthday, which was thrown in the middle of the night, took place on the beach and included loud music and alcohol, says Thai media. Despite arresting 61 people, police suspect more people were present but managed to escape their prosecutorial grasp. Police speculate that “dozens” may have escaped.

As the birthday party/loud group was a large gathering of people, it violated the Communicable Diseases Act.

Family members visited the suspects/failed birthday party guests at the Kuan Meed Police Station. Bail for many of the suspects was set at 5,000 baht. The fines will be set by the Nathawee Provincial Court. Further, 26 of the suspects have been ordered to quarantine for 14 days in their respective home provinces.

All of the suspects will have to take Covid tests. Further, police say the people that managed to escape the law need also need to get tested.

32 motorbikes are still parked where the beach birthday part was held as no one has come to pick them up. However, officials plan to call in the owners of the bikes to see if they were at the party. It was not reported whether they’d be calling in the owners from jail cells.

It was not stated what beach the birthday party was held at.

Earlier this month, a man in Nakhon Si Thammarat fared better on his birthday when arresting officers presented him with a birthday cake. Last month, partygoers, who already had b-day cake, were arrested in Thong Lor. Drugs were also reportedly present at the party.

SOURCE: Thai Residents

South Thailand News

Jack Connor

Jack is from the USA, has a B.A. in English, and writes on a variety of topics. He lives in Thailand.

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