Tourist finds old tunnel on Koh Samui

PHOTOS: Sanook

Authorities are investigating a 100 meters long, 3.5 meters wide and 5 meters high tunnel that had been contstructed from one side of Ban Tai hill to the other.

The tunnel was found in the Mae Nam area.

After local Samui authorities dug into their paperwork they determined that the area was private land bought by a developer from a local.

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They believe the tunnel was probably built around a decade ago as part of a hotel development that was subsequently abandoned.

While the land was purchased legally the authorities are investigating if the tunnel was constructed according to the law. The tourist who found the mystery tunnel had been trekking in the area and took pictures of the tunnel that was cordoned off by a fence.

Tourist finds old tunnel on Koh Samui | News by Thaiger Tourist finds old tunnel on Koh Samui | News by Thaiger Tourist finds old tunnel on Koh Samui | News by Thaiger

SOURCE: Sanook

Koh Samui News
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