Phuket board urges better waste separation management

Picture courtesy of PR Phuket

Phuket grapples with the challenge of managing its daily solid waste, with waste separation emerging as a critical focus.

Members of the Phuket Provincial Governance Board yesterday conducted an inspection of the Phuket Provincial Waste Disposal Centre and Incinerator at Saphan Hin. Peeraphit Aongcharoen, Vice Chairman of the Board, led the delegation to monitor and assess the progress of budget projects for the fiscal year 2024.

Jakkrit Songsang, Head of Wastewater Treatment and Acting Head of the Solid Waste and Sewage Management Group at the centre, reported on the advancement of four significant projects.

“The progress of these projects is crucial for the community.”

The board emphasised the need for Phuket City Municipality to enhance its waste segregation management efforts. They underscored the importance of educational initiatives aimed at teaching both students and the general public about the significance of waste separation.

“Educational programs will play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of waste separation among the citizens.”

Additionally, the board stressed the necessity of ensuring that the allocated budgets for these projects are utilised efficiently to maximise community benefits, reported The Phuket News.

In related news, to combat the Thai capital’s mounting garbage crisis, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is rolling out two cutting-edge waste-to-energy plants to revolutionise waste management by 2026.

BMA permanent secretary Wanthanee Wattana voiced unwavering confidence in the timely completion of these game-changing facilities.

Wattana revealed that construction is well underway at the Nong Khaem and On Nut garbage disposal centres, with Privy Councillor Palakorn Suwanrath spearheading the ceremonial groundwork for one of these eco-innovative power plants on March 12.

“With Bangkok’s daily garbage surpassing the 1,000-tonne mark, the urgency for sustainable solutions is paramount.”

She underscored that the existing Nong Khaem plant, operational since March 23, 2016, under the tenure of former governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra, is struggling to cope with the escalating waste volume.

Environment NewsPhuket NewsThailand News

Bright Choomanee

With a degree in English from Srinakharinwirot University, Bright specializes in writing engaging content. Her interests vary greatly, including lifestyle, travel, and news. She enjoys watching series with her orange cat, Garfield, in her free time.

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