Phuket expat Gerald Mason in urgent need of help

PHUKET: Expats contribute to Phuket’s well-being in various ways. Some engage in high-profile endeavors, such as setting up environmental campaigns or animal welfare groups. Others benefit the community simply by being all-round good guys, known and loved by a wide circle of friends.
Gerry Mason is such a man, a man for all social seasons. An enthusiastic member of the island’s darts league, he played in the Piccadilly Bar in Patong and now plays for the Phuket Beer House. Gerry is also a keen pool player and practices his cue skills in the Monday and Thursday leagues.
Go in a bar where a karaoke party is in progress and you may well see Gerry, mic in hand crooning away in his own inimitable style. Or indulging in banter with his pals, or the ladies of the night. Extrovert yes, but he has a sage word for everyone, young and old alike, who come into his orbit. It is remarkable just how many people know Gerry. Just mention his name and faces immediately light up in recognition.
Gerry has always been public-spirited. Prior to coming to Thailand and settling down with his partner Tuanjai, he served Queen and Country with the Royal Signals Regiment, a period about which he reminisces with affection and wit. A ‘tyke’ from Doncaster, he now lives in Rawai. Worlds apart. But as with so many of his friends, Phuket is his second home.
Recently Gerry, the life and soul of the party, had a horrendous car accident on his way home. The Wheel of Fortune had turned full circle.
Now he urgently needs our support.
The accident, which left him with extensive facial fractures of the nose, upper jaw and cheekbone, almost killed him. It probably would have ended disastrously if several generous friends had not rallied round and transferred him to the intensive care unit at Bangkok Hospital Phuket.
His insurance does not begin to cover the cost of expert care and of reconstructive surgery. Happily, after the alarms and excursions of the first few days, he is now out of danger, but the route back to health is going to be long and arduous.
We urgently ask any and all of you who know Gerry to contribute to a fund which is being set up to help defray the huge costs of treatment. Already the bill is well in excess of 1,000,000 baht.
Contributions can be made to the account below. Please give generously to a very deserving cause.
Account name: Bangkok Hospital Phuket
Account number: 442-3-03132-9
Bank name: Bangkok Bank Public Co Ltd, Thepkrasattri Road Branch.
Destination Bank: Bangkok Bank Public Co Ltd. Foreign Inward Remittance Section
Swift address: BKKBTHBK
When depositing, please use the following details:
Gerald Mason
Patient Number (HN): 05-08-020-474
Room 703
— Patrick Campbell
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