Japanese women fight off rapists

PHUKET TOWN: Two Japanese women were nearly raped by two illegal Thai guides in the early hours of Wednesday. Usuki Sato, 27, and Soko Yakanimoto, 26, came to Phuket on Tuesday and were staying at the Panwaburi Hotel on Cape Panwa. The following day, they went out with the two Thai guides, who usually hang around the front of the hotel looking for customers. The guides took the two women to MaiMon Restaurant on Narisorn Rd. After trying to get them drunk, they took them to Rang Hill. The women were then taken to another place, which they said they did not recognize. One of the guides got out of the car to urinate, then returned to the car and pulled out a knife. As he threatened the girls with the knife, both he and his accomplice tried to kiss and fondle them. Ms Sato grabbed at the knife and it fell to the floor. The women managed to escape from the car, ran away and found a tuk tuk to take them to Wachira Phuket Hospital, as Ms Sato had several cuts on her right hand. Afterwards, Ms Sato and Ms Yakanimoto went back to the hotel, whose staff reported the incident to police. “We already know who the two guides are. They are trying to flee from Phuket but we will get them as soon as we can,” said Pol Lt Col Paween Pongsirin, deputy superintendent of Phuket Town Police Station. Lt Col Paween declined to reveal the names of the two guides. He said that after they are apprehended, they will be charged with assault and committing an ‘indecent’ act. Ms Yakanimoto has returned to Japan, while Ms Sato is staying in Phuket at the request of police so that she can identify the perpetrators after they are arrested.

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