Jealous boyfriend who shot girlfriend on the loose in Phang Nga

Yet another jealous boyfriend has shot his girlfriend in Thailand, this time in the southern province of Phang Nga. The man, 20 year old Chakrabongse, shot both his girlfriend and her friend as they were leaving the restrooms of a PTT petrol station.
Police said the two women had just gone to a restaurant, and they had stopped to use the restroom at the station. They said Chakrabongse then rode up on his motorcycle and fired at the two friends before dashing away. Phang Nga police are now on the hunt for Chakrabongse.
Chakrabongse shot his girlfriend, 18 year old Khemisara, in her lung and her private parts. He shot Khemisara’s friend, 19 year old Warisa, in her shoulder.
Khemisara was first taken to Phang Nga Hospital but had to be transferred to a hospital in Phuket due to her critical condition. Warisa was not in serious condition.
Police found that Chakrabongse and Khemisara had frequently fought, and about a week ago it seemed likely that they would break up.
Chakrabongse is also currently facing legal action for having stabbed a police officer.
Incidents of jealous men attacking their partners often make headlines in Thailand. Last month, a jealous husband who had reportedly followed his wife everywhere she went, killed her by slitting her throat. In June, a police lieutenant driven by a jealous rage murdered his wife and teenage daughter before committing suicide.
With the latest incident in Phang Nga is yet another brutal attack on a woman by her jealous partner.