Three million meth pills found in cow pat in Songkhla

Photo courtesy of Bangkok Post

Local authorities were left stunned when they stumbled upon a haul of 2.93 million meth pills worth 58 million baht in some cow pat nestled amidst the forsaken grounds of the derelict station in Songkhla.

The discovery marks a significant breakthrough in the relentless battle against narcotics in the southern border province.

Prompted by suspicions, vigilant officials and police undertook a routine patrol, their keen eyes catching sight of a suspicious pickup truck lurking within the dilapidated confines of the station at approximately 9pm last night. However, their efforts to shed light on the situation were met with a hasty retreat as the vehicle bolted away into the night.

Undeterred, a thorough examination ensued, revealing a cache of 32 hefty plastic bags concealed within the station’s perimeters. While 22 bags were innocuously filled with cow manure, the remaining 10 concealed an astonishing stash of 2.93 million methamphetamine pills, reported Bangkok Post.

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Authorities are now hot on the trail of the elusive traffickers, suspecting the stash was strategically deposited for later retrieval.

In related news, a major drug bust led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Anutin Charnvirakul resulted in the seizure of 10 million methamphetamine pills and the arrest of a key suspect in Pathum Thani province. In a significant clampdown on drug trafficking, Thai police apprehended a major drug dealer and seized a colossal haul of 10 million methamphetamine pills. The operation, which took place in a luxurious rented house in the Thanyaburi district of Pathum Thani province, confirmed the house’s use as a storage for the illegal substances.

In other news, a 24 year old drug courier from the Phrao district of Chiang Mai was apprehended by drug suppression police. The arrest took place at an intersection in Chiang Dao district. Approximately 8 million methamphetamine pills were confiscated from the pickup truck driven by the suspect. The seizure was made on February 26, with the methamphetamine pills found stashed in 46 sacks.

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Mitch Connor

Mitch is a Bangkok resident, having relocated from Southern California, via Florida in 2022. He studied journalism before dropping out of college to teach English in South America. After returning to the US, he spent 4 years working for various online publishers before moving to Thailand.

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