Sinovac/AstraZeneca highly effective, according to Thai research

Today, Thailand’s Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology from the Faculty of Medicine of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, says a vaccine cocktail of Sinovac/AstraZeneca is “highly effective”.
Controversial doctor Yong Poovorawan says 2 doses of the inactivated virus vaccine can help “immunity rise to an average level of 100 units”. Further, if 2 doses of the vector vaccine are administered only 10 weeks apart, the immune system will shoot up to 900 units. However, if the vaccines are alternated, the inactivated virus and then the vector virus selection at 3 to 4 week intervals… the patient will have a high immunity of 700 units.
The doctor continued to provide a nonlayperson lay down of how the Sinovac/AstraZeneca cocktail works. Dr Yong says the 2 doses of inactivated virus vaccine and then the virus vector vaccine method that front line medical officials are now employing has been discovered to give an average immunity boost of 10,000 units.
He adds that the centre is now conducting “in-depth” research into its ability to block each variant of the virus…. even the Delta variant. Further, that from “past data” it is known the Delta variant escapes immunity and “higher levels of immunity” are necessary until a vaccine that targets the specific strain or even second generation vaccines become available.
The doctor did not clarify his statements for the nonscientists reading the announcement.
The announcement that a Sinovac/AstraZeneca cocktail is highly effective, despite WHO’s concerns, the World Health Organisation, not the band, comes not even 2 weeks after the government announced they were moving ahead with the mix and match vaccines approach.
SOURCE: The Phuket News