RTN officer’s crooked web of deception: Evicts pregnant wife for pregnant mistress

A Royal Thai Navy (RTN) officer’s crooked web of deception, cheating, and abuse has resulted in his wife becoming homeless and leaving both his wife and mistress pregnant.

The homeless, six-month pregnant wife, Aey, sought the help of a lawyer to file a complaint and seek justice from the RTN after her RTN officer husband evicted and replaced her with his two-month pregnant mistress.

The lawyer, Kan Jom Phol, approached Rear Admiral Phananong Yutthawong, Director of the Public Relations Office at the Office of the Secretary of the RTN. Phananong acknowledged the complaint, adding it would be forwarded to the direct superior of the RTN captain to be investigated. He also confirmed that fairness would be provided to both parties and the issue would not be ignored.

Kan revealed that Aey sought his help after her husband refused to let her in their home unless she agreed to sign divorce papers.

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The husband had taken a mistress, who was two months pregnant. He claimed that his mistress’ child would be fatherless unless the pregnant Aey agreed to the divorce so he look after his mistress and their child.

Aey refused so the husband locked her out of the house, leaving her to sleep in the nurse’s ward where she worked. Aey’s husband even confronted and demanded a divorce at her workplace. The mistress also tried to convince Aey to leave her husband, reported Sanook.

Aey revealed that she had been married to her RTN officer husband, based in Sattahip District, Chon Buri Province, for about five years.

She said they loved each other at first but over time his behaviour changed, and he had been unfaithful numerous times.

Despite Aey’s attempts to talk to her husband and get him to break off his relationship with the new woman, their arguments became more heated, and the husband allegedly beat Aey. He then changed the door lock to prevent her from entering their home, forcing her to sleep at work.

Feeling uncertain about her future, Aey sought legal representation, filing a lawsuit against her husband’s mistress and pleading with her to stop engaging with her husband. The mistress was aware that Aey’s husband was already married.

The crooked web became even more tangled when the mistress filed a counter-complaint against Aey’s husband, accusing him of deception and getting her pregnant.

The mistress insists that she will not withdraw the complaint unless he breaks it off with Aey first. She does not want her unborn child to be labelled a bastard product of a mistress.

Sanook reported that there has been no resolution to the case as the story went to press. Aey is alone carrying her six-month-old child while her husband lives with his mistress.

Thailand News

Bob Scott

Bob Scott is an experienced writer and editor with a passion for travel. Born and raised in Newcastle, England, he spent more than 10 years in Asia. He worked as a sports writer in the north of England and London before relocating to Asia. Now he resides in Bangkok, Thailand, where he is the Editor-in-Chief for The Thaiger English News. With a vast amount of experience from living and writing abroad, Bob Scott is an expert on all things related to Asian culture and lifestyle.

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