NACC nearing conclusion in case of police allegedly smuggling liquor

The National Anti-Corruption Commission is nearing a conclusion in their case of police planes being allegedly used to smuggle liquor out of Hat Yai, a southern Thai province, to Bangkok, says deputy secretary general of the commission, Niwatchai Kasemmongkol.
Niwatchai’s comments are in response to a post on the Facebook page “@Watchdog.ACT”, which brought up the investigation into the case. The alleged smuggling case dates back to March 2018 when 2 planes from Royal Thai Police were allegedly seen taking liquor from the Hat Yai International Airport in Songkhla to the Thai Aviation Division in Bangkok.
The 20 cases of liquor were covered with black plastic bags that were transported onto a truck while 2 police officers allegedly watched over the operation. ASEAN now says the operation went on for 2 years because the investigation was hindered by the accused officers’ continual rise in the police ranks.
The Nation Thailand says a similar incident happened 2 months after the March incident, which drove related agencies to file a case with the NACC to prompt an immediate investigation.
SOURCE: The Nation Thailand ASEAN Now