Nearby Sukiyaki eatery stewing as buffet rival steals spotlight

A nearby sukiyaki eatery finds itself unexpectedly challenged as a well-received buffet-style sukiyaki venue opens nearby, resulting in a significant decline in customers. The owner, having invested nearly 2 million baht (US$55,805) into the business, is now seeking guidance during this crisis.
The story came to light when Facebook user Pichaya Kairos shared a post in the Lam Luk Ka community group, which has over 92,000 members. The post featured images contrasting the bustling scene at the newly opened buffet with the quiet atmosphere of the neighbouring sukiyaki restaurant. The accompanying caption expressed sympathy for the struggling business, prompting the sukiyaki restaurant to comment on the post.
The restaurant’s management stated that they were not informed by the market authorities about the new competitor setting up shop beside them. They had already invested in the construction and decoration of their establishment on market premises without prior knowledge of the incoming business.
Once enjoying reduced rental fees, the restaurant now faces the full rate, despite their plea for a concession given the new circumstances. The sudden arrival of the popular buffet has plunged the sukiyaki restaurant into a critical situation, with nearly 2 million baht already sunk into the business. The management is reaching out for suggestions on how to navigate this predicament, reported KhaoSod.
Following the post, there was an outpouring of support from netizens, many offering words of encouragement and advice to the sukiyaki restaurant in their time of need.
In related news, the Thai Industry Ministry, led by Minister Pimphattra Wichaikul, intensified efforts to block low-quality imports from neighbouring countries and support locals.
Collaborating with the Thai Industrial Standards Institute and Customs Department, they targeted 143 products for inspection and certification. Stricter regulations were imposed, with penalties for importers and traders selling substandard goods. The move aimed to protect local businesses, especially SMEs, and consumers.