Health officials to give Molnupiravir and Paxlovid to Covid-19 patients in Thailand

Two anti-viral medications will be added to the Covid-19 treatment plan in Thailand. The Department of Medical Services shared that the Molnupiravir and Paxlovid medicines have been approved for treating Covid-19 patients. Molnupiravir is intended to treat high-risk groups like elders and patients with chronic diseases. Relevant departments will discuss the use of Paxlovid. The primary Covid-19 medication, the anti-viral Favipiravir, will be limited for patients with moderate and severe symptoms only.
The director of the department, Somsak Akkasilp, shared that the authorities will discuss the distribution and use details later. There will also be a study on the effectiveness of using Molnupiravir, Paxlovid, and Favipiravir to come up with a plan to use the medications reasonably and effectively.
The Ministry of Public Health informed that the Covid-19 treatment plan in Thailand would be adjusted according to the situation. Recently, the authorities shared Home Isolation and Community Isolation would be the primary treatment provided to patients with mild symptoms.
A pulmonary disease expert at Vichaiyut Hospital told Thai media that Molnupiravir could help reduce the severity of the disease and death rates by about 30%. He said the medicine would be given to patients at high risk.
SOURCE: WorkpointTODAY | Thairath