Government panel created to defend consumers online from fraud

A new panel was established by The Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, which will be in place to protect online shoppers from fraud. As Thailand’s internet economy experiences massive growth, problems related to online transactions are rising, too. With this panel, the government aims to help protect consumers from these internet scams.
Secretary general of the Thailand Consumer Council Saree Aongsomwang explained what the structure of this panel would be, and its goals. It will be made up of 3 representatives from the MDES, and 18 other members from different government agencies. She went on to describe the overall purpose of the new committee as being one that will help the average online consumer if they are experiencing any fraud-related problems.
“The committee will tackle and prevent problems, handle consumers’ complaints and gather information to come up with guidelines…This is an important step forward for various agencies to work together to protect consumers from online fraud.”
Committee members will come from many different Thai government agencies, as diverse experience will come in handy when trying to tackle internet scams. Some of these agencies included are the Thai Consumer Council, the Royal Thai Police’s CyberCrime Investigation Bureau, the Technology Crime Suppression Division, the Police Cyber Task Force, and the Consumer Protection Division.
An online ceremony next Monday will mark the official creation of this new committee. There, representatives will sign a memorandum that formally outlines their goals. Saree concluded by saying that this panel represents a big leap forward for Thailand’s internet economy.
“This will be another major milestone for consumer protection in the digital age when state agencies, the private sector, and the civil sector team up as a strong network to solve the problem and protect people more efficiently.”
SOURCE: Bangkok Post