Fowl play suspected

KALASIN: Porn Yeejuan knew she was a good cook and had spent the day busily preparing for her daughter’s engagement party, to which the whole village had been invited. Among the range of delicacies she had prepared for her guests was boiled chicken. Once she had finished preparing all the food, she left it in the kitchen at the back of the house and went to dress for the party. When guests started arriving, she went to lay the buffet on the table only to discover that the boiled chicken had disappeared. Some guests told her that they saw two villagers, Kanya Khumchuraj, 38, and Khumparn Saisaen, 30, lurking around the kitchen earlier. Determined to get the chicken back, Porn called the police. After scouring the village for the dubious duo, police finally found them and took them to the station for questioning. The pair confessed to stealing the chicken, explaining that they felt peckish while walking home from having a few celebratory drinks. They were passing Porn’s house when they saw the chicken in the kitchen and decided to take it, thinking that it would be pleasant with a few more drinks at home. However, they explained that the drinks they had already had had affected their judgment, and they soon realized that they weren’t hungry at all. They hid their booty in the forest so they could eat it later. On hearing this, officers marched the pair back into the forest to recover the chicken and return it to the party. Kanya and Khumparn were charged with theft.
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