Cut and run

CHONBURI: In the latest incident involving a philandering lover, a jealous girlfriend and a sharp knife, a young man from Petchaboon province awoke on the morning of September 4 to find to find a very private part lying in a pool of blood on the floor next to his bed. The victim, identified as 20-year-old Amnart Pinkratok, was rushed to the ICU ward at the Sriracha hospital by a friend, who carried the severed member in a plastic bag in the hope that doctors could reattach it. They couldn’t. Despite several hours in the operating room, the penis had been deprived of oxygen for too long and had suffered cell necrosis – the arch-enemy of all reattachment surgeons. As if that weren’t bad enough, poor Amnart’s testicles were also damaged in the assault, though the extent of the injury was not reported – nor whether having testicles would serve much purpose in someone without a penis. K. Amnart, whose name ironically means “power” in Thai, was described as a handsome young construction worker who had been living in the seaside district of Si Racha with his girlfriend, identified as 28-year-old garment factory worker Tanamonwan Chaosuan. Her surname translates as “gardener”, possibly indicating that she comes from a lineage skilled in the use of shears. What she wasn’t skilled at, however, was putting up with K. Amnart’s trysts with other women – and there had been many. These inevitably led to arguments and fits of jealous rage, the last of which is certain to put an end to young Amnart’s butterfly behavior. K. Tanomonwan fled the scene after the attack and at last report was still at large.
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