Chon Buri woman discovers priceless pearl in local market oyster

A lucky woman in Chon Buri found a valuable pearl inside a large oyster purchased from a local market. The resident, Thevalee Sitonwong, discovered the stunning orange pearl while preparing a meal for her and her husband.
Thevalee revealed that she and her husband had gone to the market to buy some ingredients for their dinner, which included a popular Thai dish named Som Tum. They bought two large oysters, intending to cook them as part of their meal. As per usual, Thevalee cleaned and boiled the oysters before serving, and just as they began to eat, her husband bit down on something hard within the oyster’s flesh.
At first, they thought it was just a stone, but upon further inspection, they realised that it appeared to be a unique kind of pearl. Although they were not sure if it was genuine, the couple was excited and pleased to have discovered such a remarkable treasure. Thevalee plans to find the time to visit a specialist in Bangkok to confirm the pearl’s authenticity. However, the 33 year old is certain that she will not sell it, choosing instead to keep it as a memento.
The round gem, which is about the size of a fingertip, boasts a striking colour and impressive shine that makes it particularly unusual and remarkable. By finding the pearl in such a way, Thevalee’s story remains an exciting and rare occurrence, which highlights the possibility of discovering beauty and value in the most unexpected places.
Last year, a young Thai couple found a rare pearl worth over 1 million baht inside a snail while eating seafood at a local BBQ restaurant.
Sittidate Chaiwan was celebrating the birthday of his girlfriend, 27 year old Patjariya Gatip, on Thursday, August 11, when she almost swallowed an expensive Melo pearl at a restaurant in the northern province of Payao.
Sittidate revealed Patjariya was eating grilled spotted Babylon snails when chewed on something very hard. She spat it out to discover a round orange stone that looked like a pearl. Read more about the story here.