Study shows 99.7% of Bangkok wearing masks properly

While anti-mask sentiment can seem widespread and popular on social media, a new survey shows that, in Bangkok at least, almost 100% of people are wearing their masks. The surprising “AI Mask” project by the Ministry of Higher Education Science Research and Innovation found that 99.7% of Bangkok residents were not only wearing their masks but wearing them correctly.
The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration announced the findings yesterday and encouraged all provinces around Thailand to follow Bangkok’s great example and mask up.
The survey checked on 6,130 people across 29 districts in Bangkok and found that only 0.02% did not wear masks at all to observe Covid-19 safety and public health regulations. On the other hand, 0.26% were found to be wearing masks but incorrectly or ineffectively. The remaining 99.7% of people in the survey wore their masks safely and properly.
The rosy survey results of those polled seem to contradict the real-world experience where Bangkok saw nearly 3,500 new Covid-19 infections yesterday and 3,700 the day before. The capital province always has the highest number of Covid-19 cases in the daily reports. Bangkok also had more Covid-19 deaths than any other province, yesterday 25 of the 189 nationally, and 43 of the 220 deaths in Thailand the day before.
After Bangkok, neighbouring Samat Prakan had the next highest number of infections in yesterday’s figures with just over 1,000. Chon Buri to the east has also been hovering around 1,000 infections a day. Other common Covid-19 infection hotspots include Samut Sakhon, Ratchaburi, Nonthaburi, Narathiwat, Prachin Buri, Rayong, and Saraburi.
The CCSA reminds people to stay vigilant, wear their masks properly, and follow Covid-19 safety procedures like social distancing, hand washing and contact tracing.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post