Governor Chadchart issues the 5 strict orders: Schools under the BMA must be free of e-cigarettes

Chadchart Sittipunt, Governor of Bangkok, revealed that BMA attaches huge importance to the campaign to rid schools of smoking. Especially children and youth they are focusing on the prevention related to cigarettes and e-cigarettes. There is a continuous effort with this campaign every year.
The 5 strict orders in the campaign to combat smoking at schools are:

- Let schools under BMA install or display messages or symbols that prohibit electronic cigarettes at entrances and exits and within the school area. The schools should disseminate public relations through various channels as well.
- Let the school inspect student bags. The school should also regularly inspect the building and premises within the school to prevent the bringing of e-cigarettes, liquids, or various equipment related to e-cigarettes into the school.
- Have the district office and relevant officials inspect to prevent the sale of electronic cigarettes around schools, communities, and various sources in the area of responsibility of the district office. By arranging integrated staff between the environment and sanitation department, the municipal department, and the education department.
- Have schools create Dropboxes for storing e-cigarettes, liquids, or various equipment related to e-cigarettes. When it was discovered that e-cigarettes were brought into the school. Forfeit it and put it in Dropbox prepare the said e-cigarette registration information and notify the district office to coordinate further action.
- Let the Public Health Service Center provide knowledge, give advice, and inspect schools. In the case where children and youth are involved with cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or any other addictive substances, action must be taken using the behaviour modification process or bringing it into the treatment process.
Electronic cigarettes make smokers addicted to nicotine and can cause acute pneumonia, coronary heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases that lead to health problems and risk of death.

Therefore, They are asking for cooperation from parents, guardians, and teachers to follow the news and educate children and youth to be aware of e-cigarettes, especially in the vicinity of educational institutions. This campaign aims to protect children and youth from e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes.
Press Release