Gov’s 1 million cannabis plant hand out poses a danger to the health of Thailand’s youth

Chairman of the Royal College of Paediatricians of Thailand admits he is worried that the government’s 1 million cannabis plant hand out poses a danger to the health of the nation’s youth.
Deputy Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Mananya Thaiset yesterday revealed 2 cannabis plants can be distributed to each household to a maximum of 500,000 interested families throughout the kingdom. The decision follows the Thailand’s new legislation of cannabis on Thursday.
Mananya says people interested can file an application on Thursday, June 16 at cooperative offices in their provinces and agricultural research and development centres in 53 provinces. Registrants will receive the plants about 30 days after applying. People in Bangkok can register at a department service centre in Kasetsart University from June 16 onwards.
The Public Health Ministry will also distribute high-quality Thai cannabis seeds, the minister added but recommends buyers choose only seeds certified by the Department of Agriculture to avoid substandard ones.
But Dr Somsak Lolekha, Chairman of the Royal College of Paediatricians, is concerned the new cannabis laws could have a detrimental affect on the nation’s youth.
Somsak says people aged under 20 years consuming cannabis extracts could face mental health, behavioural and emotional problems in their future lives.
“The legalisation of cannabis will see greater access to the drug among vulnerable groups, including children and teenagers, who may use it for recreational purposes. Despite its regulation, the active cannabinoid ingredient is still a potentially psychoactive substance that poses a risk to some people’s health.”
Somsak added cannabis is also linked to schizophrenia, suicide and dependence on other addictive substances in some groups of patients.
He insists people younger than 20 should not consume cannabis at all because their brains have yet to fully develop and they are therefore more susceptible to the negative side effects of the drug.
SOURCE Bangkok Post