Who is growing cannabis on Parliament grounds?

PHOTO: Cannabis growing on the Parliament grounds. (via Matichon)

The legalisation of marijuana in Thailand came with very little oversight or restrictions, but one of the few rules quickly established was that no government officials or locations could grow, sell, or consume the plant. But over 100 cannabis plants have been discovered on the grounds of the Parliament in Bangkok this weekend.

On Friday, furious winds tore down a large tree inside the Parliament area and when officials went to handle the damages, they found over 100 cannabis plants growing in the area. As of now, the details of who planted them or how they are growing in the government space are a complete mystery.

An investigation has been launched and the director of the Parliament Security Office has been called in to try to track down who could have been growing the plants on the government property. Police have been ordered to move all the thriving plants to an area off of government grounds, though the location has not been confirmed.

A former Democrat Party Member of Parliament did weigh in on the cannabis crop with a unique take, talking to Thai media in praise of the talents of whoever cultivated the plants carefully on government land that might not be particularly hospitable to horticulture.

“Whoever has grown these marijuana plants has great agricultural skills. Soil in the Parliament has good quality but more than 347 trees have died previously while these marijuana plants are growing nicely.”

Officials will continue to investigate who planted the cannabis garden since, while cannabis has been legalised and widely unregulated, with about one million people already receiving permits to grow, sell and consume the drug on their property, it is still prohibited in police stations, schools, military bases, and government property.

So the question remains: Who is growing cannabis on the Parliament grounds?

SOURCE: TPN National

Bangkok NewsCannabis News

Neill Fronde

Neill is a journalist from the United States with 10+ years broadcasting experience and national news and magazine publications. He graduated with a degree in journalism and communications from the University of California and has been living in Thailand since 2014.

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