Blogger’s reaction to eating live shrimp salad in Thailand goes viral on Instagram

A blogger’s reaction to eating a live shrimp salad in Thailand has gone viral on Instagram. Popular blogger Sam Pepper, who is known for his bizarre travel videos, posted his reaction on the social media website.
He called the salad a ‘LIVE Jumping’ Shrimp Salad.’
“This one is really out there. But when in Thailand! Live shrimp salad.”
According to NDTV, the clip showed how the live shrimp salad was made. First, onions, shallots, lime juice, and spices were added to a plastic bowl. Then, the shrimp was taken directly from an aquarium and put on the side.
The cook closed the lid on the bowl and shook it until the ingredients were mixed together. But, Pepper says after it was served, the live shrimp were jumping around.
Pepper didn’t seem put off by the swarming shrimp and took a bite of his salad. He then exclaimed that one of the shrimp bit his mouth.
As the video went viral with around 6.4 million views and 98.2k likes, a number of comments were posted. One comment said, “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.”
Another said, “Imma needs them to rinse the aquarium water off first.”
Yet another said, “They bit me-says a guy who just bit them.”
One user even took the high road by commenting, “Cruel, unethical and unnecessary!”
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Such viral videos are nothing new, with one even being posted in recent days of a tourist in Thailand riding atop an elephant. But, it wasn’t the elephant riding that made his video popular.
Rather, it was the tourist’s decision to smoke a blunt while riding it.
Any other clicks on the video will probably come with comments on the unethical issue of riding elephants. As it can damage their spines, those who are aware, may not be happy with the tourist’s actions.