Thailand Cannabis Guide

Our Thailand Cannabis Guide will keep you informed about the evolving status of cannabis in Thailand through our in-depth articles that discuss legalisation and its impact on the country’s culture. From cities like Bangkok and Pattaya to popular destinations like Phuket, Koh Samui, and Chiang Mai, stay updated on the latest developments, opportunities, and challenges faced by Thailand’s cannabis industry. Gain a broader understanding of the benefits, drawbacks, and cultural perceptions surrounding weed in Thailand.

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    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • A guide to cannabis events Thailand 2024

    Thailand has become the centre for cannabis events that celebrate the evolution and significance of the cannabis tradition. Since the country has made significant progress in legalising and decriminalising cannabis, Thailand is the leader in Asia for its progressive approach towards cannabis. These events highlight cannabis’s historical and modern significance in Thai society, focusing on traditional medicine, spiritual practices, and…

  • The beginner’s guide to buying cannabis in Thailand

    So, you’re in Thailand and have decided to try out the now legal cannabis. But how exactly do you go about it? Is it as simple as walking into any dispensary you see? How do you make sure you’re choosing the right product? It’s natural to feel a bit uncertain when you’re stepping into the cannabis world for the first…

  • Neverland OG Dispensary: A sanctuary for cannabis lovers

    Neverland OG Dispensary exists to serve one purpose, to be a sanctuary for those who love everything to do with cannabis. With what feels like a million soulless cannabis shops operating across Bangkok, Neverland stands out amongst the crowd. By perfecting an environment for cannabis connoisseurs and beginners to try premium products, here is how Neverland OG Dispensary continues to…

  • Thailand’s cannabis legal status 2024

    Thailand’s legal cannabis regulations are undergoing significant transformations, making it imperative for visitors and medical users to remain informed. Beginning in 2024, the Thai government will intensify restrictions on recreational use, emphasizing medical and research applications. These new regulations introduce substantial fines and potential imprisonment for unauthorized use or cultivation. Anticipate considerable changes on the horizon. History of cannabis legalisation…

  • Why Sour Diesel is the go-to strain for energetic euphoria

    When it comes to the world of cannabis, few strains can boast a reputation as large as Sour Diesel. A staple for long-term cannabis users, the pungent, sour aroma of this bud is its main claim to fame, and while it’s also renowned for its earthy profile and citrus undertones, it became popularised by its properties. Sour diesel has been…

  • Could cannabis help combat Covid-19?

    Recent research suggests that cannabis compounds may play a role in preventing and treating Covid-19. Studies have shown that cannabinoids, the active compounds in cannabis, could potentially prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and reduce the severity of the disease. Cannabinoids and Covid prevention A comprehensive review conducted by researchers at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, indicates that cannabinoids might be used…

  • Cannabis: A potential ally against long Covid brain inflammation

    After the initial wave of Covid-19, many people continue to suffer from long-term effects. Known as post-Covid condition (PCC) or long Covid, this condition can cause a variety of symptoms, including neuroinflammation. This inflammation in the brain can lead to headaches, fatigue, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Although there’s no specific treatment for PCC yet, a research published in the peer-reviewed…

  • Four Twenty is building a solid cannabis community through events

    “Our main ambition is to share our expertise on premium-quality cannabis products and to create an unforgettable experience by seamlessly fitting them into your lifestyle,” wrote Four Twenty, one of Thailand’s biggest cannabis companies, on their website. And one way they do it is through lifestyle events. These events have played a crucial role in normalising cannabis within Thai society…

  • Significant cannabis intake by teens in Thailand and abroad

    Cannabis consumption globally has become a topic of interest with the recent rise in its use among teenagers. The changing legal status of cannabis in Thailand prompts us to query the implications on teen demographics. We will delve into the evolution of teenage cannabis usage, not only in Thailand but also in a global context. This exploration aims to provide…

  • CBD Coffee as your perfect morning pick-me-up

    Are you a devotee of coffee seeking a fresh, innovative edge to your daily regimen? Let’s dive into the rising trend sweeping the wellness and coffee communities: CBD-infused coffee. This sensational blend offers not just a distinctive, delightful flavour, but also presents a cutting-edge method to infuse wellness into your regular caffeine intake. Certainly, you’ve been cognizant of the ever-growing…

  • Why you should consider sun-grown cannabis

    As the cannabis industry evolves, the debate between indoor and sun-grown cultivation methods continues to intensify. While indoor growing offers control over environmental factors, sun-grown cannabis harnesses natural sunlight and soil, leading to unique benefits that are often overlooked. Could it be that sun-grown cannabis, with the right techniques, matches or even surpasses indoor cultivation in quality, sustainability, and economic…

  • High times afloat: Inside the Siam Cannabis Cup 2024

    Amidst the government’s controversial plans to reclassify cannabis as a narcotic, the cannabis culture in Thailand remains vibrant. This was evident at the first-ever Siam Cannabis Cup event that took place on May 18 aboard the Viva Alangka Cruise on the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok. Held in partnership with Lollipop Dispensary, the event celebrated all aspects of cannabis culture,…

  • Best dispensaries in Bangkok 2024

    Looking for a place to buy weed in Bangkok? With a significant number of cannabis dispensaries scattered around the city, it can be very overwhelming to choose one. Obviously, quality and variety vary widely among dispensaries, so selecting the right one is vital for a satisfactory experience. If you wish to have all the time in the world to visit…

  • The Four Twenty experience: From seed to sale at one of the most famous cannabis dispensaries in Thailand

    Four Twenty is already a household name in Thailand’s relatively new legal cannabis scene, and for good reason. Their meteoric rise can be attributed to a combination of factors, mainly their top-quality cannabis and their dedication to providing a unique experience for their customers. Here’s everything you need to know about Four Twenty Thailand’s cannabis experience, from cultivation to the…

  • Where to buy cannabis at Patong in Phuket

    Welcome to the vibrant city of Patong – a paradise for those who love a bit of green thanks to some awesome changes in the law. This place is buzzing and is absolutely on the must-visit list for anyone looking to explore the lively cannabis scene. Whether you’re already a big fan or just curious about what’s all the fuss,…

  • How you can enjoy your Thai cannabis vacation

    Considering an exceptional retreat that blends serenity with adventure? The recent modifications to Thailand’s cannabis legislation have sparked worldwide interest, establishing it as a leading destination for those desiring to explore its burgeoning cannabis culture in a picturesque tropical setting. The expansion of the cannabis industry has significantly enhanced Thailand’s attractiveness as a hospitable environment for cannabis aficionados. This guide…

  • The complete guide to cannabis edibles

    Understanding the potency and effects of cannabis edibles equates to unlocking a treasure chest, ensuring an exceptional experience. Imagine this: rather than smoking or vaping, you have the opportunity to explore cannabinoids via your digestive system, offering a novel adventure in terms of onset and duration of effects. Furthermore, let us delve into dosing—akin to discovering the secret ingredient in…

  • How cannabis fits in Thai Communities

    Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding excitement of local communities across the UK, where the rise of cannabis is setting the stage for some truly thrilling discussions about their impact and how they’re weaving into the fabric of society. This journey through the evolving landscape reveals an inspiring story: these groups aren’t just changing minds; they’re actively rolling up…

  • Top 10 cannabis dispensaries in Thailand

    Forget about transactions at shady back alleys in Thailand. After the country decriminalised marijuana back in 2022, you can now go to brick-and-mortar shops to buy flowers, edibles, and pot paraphernalia. These weed shops in Thailand are not simply places to grab your greens and go, but vibrant destinations in themselves. But with so many dispensaries sprouting up all over…

  • Green Diamond offers new promotion for enjoying a premium cannabis experience

    Green Diamond, a beacon of excellence in the cannabis industry, is thrilled to announce a Promotion and a commitment to delivering unparalleled cannabis experiences. Khun Tip, the passionate owner whose expertise and dedication to cannabis cultivation ensure that only the highest quality products reach customers, said… “At Green Diamond, we grow with passion and care. our organic cultivation practices and…

  • Cannabis cafes 2024; best in Bangkok

    Cannabis cafes started to appear in Bangkok as Thailand contemplates the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes; the nation has witnessed a shift towards a more lenient stance on the herb. While medical cannabis can be obtained through clinics, it is still strictly controlled. In light of these developments, several local dining establishments have started introducing menus and services featuring…

  • Anticipation builds for the Thaiger Top Shelf Awards at Royal Queen Seeds

    The cannabis industry in Thailand is full of promising innovations that are a result of the booming growth of legalised cannabis. With that, the Thaiger Top Shelf Awards highlight these achievements, celebrating excellence, innovation, and community engagement. With the awards ceremony set for April 5 at the renowned Royal Queen Seeds, from 7 pm to 9 pm, excitement is in…

  • How Thai Cannabis Club sets the standard for cannabis in Thailand

    If you ever spot a big, bright green sign adorned with the iconic weed leaf, there’s no mistaking it; that’s Thai Cannabis Club. With multiple locations scattered throughout Bangkok, Pattaya, and Koh Chang, their presence dominates the Thai cannabis scene. Thai Cannabis Club came to life back in November 2018, right when the Thai government gave the green light to…

  • The ultimate guide to flavour profiles of terpenes in cannabis

    Exploring the realm of terpenes unveils a vast spectrum of flavors as varied and captivating as the compounds themselves. From the forest-inspired essence of terpinolene to the citrus-infused vibrancy of valencene, each terpene contributes a unique dimension to our olfactory and gustatory experiences. This article aims to navigate through this aromatic landscape, examining how these natural compounds not only influence…

  • Unlocking cannabis terpenes: The goods and bads

    Terpenes, those aromatic compounds you’ve likely heard about, are making waves beyond their traditional association with Cannabis sativa. While they’ve gained fame through their presence in cannabis, these compounds are not exclusive to it. Terpenes from non-cannabis plants are sparking interest for various reasons. Let’s dive into what sets cannabis-derived terpenes apart from their botanical counterparts and explore the advantages…

  • What are cannabis terpenes and what do they do?

    Diving into the world of cannabis, you’ve likely heard about CBD and THC. But there’s another key player that’s crucial to the cannabis experience: terpenes. These aromatic compounds found in the essential oils of plants, including cannabis, are what give each strain its unique scent and flavour. From the citrusy aroma of limonene to the calming essence of linalool, terpenes…

  • Best cannabis strains to grow outdoors

    Embracing the art of outdoor cannabis cultivation in Thailand offers you a unique opportunity to leverage the country’s lush environment. With the right approach, your cannabis plants will thrive under the tropical sun, producing bountiful harvests that reflect the distinct characteristics of their strain. When you decide to cultivate cannabis outdoors in Thailand, selecting the right spot becomes paramount. Look…

  • Best cannabis strains to grow indoors

    Growing your marijuana indoors has never been more accessible, thanks to incredible advancements in technology and a bit of ingenuity. Whether you’re aiming to keep your gardening endeavors under wraps or simply lack outdoor space, selecting the right autoflower strains can make all the difference in your indoor garden. Choosing the best strains isn’t just about the final yield; it’s…

  • Cannabis in Thailand: Can you light up in public spaces?

    Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of cannabis laws in Thailand can feel like a journey through uncharted territory. With the country’s historic move to decriminalize all parts of the cannabis plant, Thailand has set a precedent as the first Asian nation to adopt such progressive drug policies. This pivotal change marks a significant departure from the stringent penalties that once loomed…

  • Revolutionising cannabis: The blockchain game-changer

    In the rapidly evolving cannabis industry, ensuring product quality and authenticity is paramount. Enter blockchain technology, a game-changer that’s poised to revolutionize how we track, manage, and verify cannabis products. This digital ledger system isn’t just about cryptocurrency anymore; it’s about bringing unparalleled transparency and efficiency to the cannabis supply chain. By leveraging blockchain, companies can now offer you a…