

If you have story ideas, a restaurant to review, an event to cover or an issue to discuss, contact The Thaiger editorial staff.
  • Expats

    Visa amnesty, looming July 31 deadline in Thailand

    NOTE: This post is not designed to scare anyone, but simply prompt foreigners, currently in Thailand, about the situation with visas. There is a list of all embassies in Thailand at the end of this article. The Thai government has had a visa amnesty in force that has allowed foreigners to stay in Thailand during the Covid-19 outbreak. It automatically extended…

  • Northern Thailand News

    Dengue on the rise in the northeast, wet season worries

    As if you haven’t got enough to worry about. For now, Covid-19 is largely under control here in the Land of Smiles, but the annual worries around the wet season and Dengue Fever are an ongoing nuisance. Whilst Covid-19 is getting all the headlines, Dengue is a clear and present danger for anyone living in Thailand, especially at this time…

  • World News

    Myanmar puts a hold on international flights until at least October

    According to Myanmar’s National Tourism Development Central Committee vice-president, Myanmar’s airports are unlikely to re-open to international commercial flights until at least October this year. There is no guarantee, however, that even if the country opens its skies to international flights, there will be any takers other than airlines offering repatriation flights. Border closures around the world have grounded entire fleets…

  • Covid-19 News

    Egyptian soldier tests positive for Covid-19 in Thailand

    “The CCSA is asking anyone who thinks they may have had physical contact with an Egyptian soldier, should come forward for testing.” Thailand’s Covid-19 taskforce is on alert today, stepping up tracing in the eastern part of the country, after am air crew from an Egyptian military airplane tested positive for the virus. When the Centre of Covid-19 Administration reported 3…

  • Covid-19 News

    3 new cases from repatriation flights and state quarantine-Covid-19 update (July 13)

    Today, Thailand reports 3 new confirmed cases from people on repatriation flights and in state quarantine centres. No additional deaths been reported, bringing the total amount of cases currently to 3,220 and 58 deaths (although a man has died of a heart attack whilst at a quarantine facility). According to the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, the Kingdom currently has…

  • Covid-19 News

    US man dies from Covid-19 after attending ‘coronavirus party’

    “They don’t look really sick. But when you check their oxygen levels and their lab tests, they’re really sicker than they appear.” A 30 year old American has died from the coronavirus after attending a “Covid-19” party in the state of Texas that was hosted by an infected person. Jane Appleby, chief medical officer at the Methodist Hospital in San…

  • Covid-19 News

    Entertainment industry calls for 2am closing times

    A leading representative of Thailand’s entertainment and nightlife industry is urging the Department of Disease Control to allow the country’s entertainment venues to close at 2 am instead of the current closing time of midnight. The meeting was held yesterday at the Chatuchak Newspaper building and called “Brainstorming to help save the economy and revive tourism.” Thanawat Srisuk, the industry…

  • Covid-19 News

    30 year old Texan dies after attending a “Covid party”

    A 30 year old man has died from Covid-19 after attending, what are termed as, a “Covid-19 party”. The ‘party’ was hosted by an infected person. Doctors are wanting to urge people to appreciate the underlining risks to younger people. The dead man was from Texas. Medical officials who attended to the man say he thought the virus was a…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 UPDATE: All the latest news from the world – July 12

    Today the total number of Covid-19 patients in the world has reached 12,847,288 with 567,734 people dying due to the effects of the virus. 7,483,246 people are registered as ‘recovered’ from their bout of Covid-19. The numbers of new cases, worldwide, is accelerating. The current hotspots are the US, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico – presenting with the highest…

  • Economy News

    “I already lost heart years ago” – Thailand’s economic Tzar ponders his fate

    Thailand’s Deputy PM and leading economic advisor, Somkid Jatusripitak, has acknowledged his fate if PM Prayut Chan-o-cha decides to reshuffle the cabinet. “A decision to shake up the cabinet is the prerogative of the prime minister.” “I have been prepared for a long time. I am old now. I already lost heart years ago.” Mr Somkid has long been proclaimed…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 UPDATE: All the latest news from the world

    Today the total number of Covid-19 patients in the world has nearly reached 12,625,155 with 562,769 people succumbing to the effects of the disease. Over 7.3 million people are registered as ‘recovered’ from their bout of Covid-19. The numbers of new cases, worldwide, is accelerating. The current hotspots are the US, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico – presenting with the…

  • Expats

    Immigration official says visa amnesty extension “is unlikely”

    As the deadline for the visa amnesty draws closer, conflicting whispers are emerging from Immigration offices around the country. The Thaiger is privy to a discussion with an Immigration officer this morning where an extension was said to be likely, for 1 month beyond July 31. But just this afternoon Khaosod English has published a contrary story saying that an…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 UPDATE: Friday, July 10

    Today the total number of Covid-19 patients in the world has nearly reached 12.4 million with over 557,000 people succumbing to the effects of the disease. Nearly 7.2 million people are registered as ‘recovered’ from their bout of Covid-19. The numbers of new cases, worldwide, is accelerating. The current hotspots are the US, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico –…

  • Covid-19 News

    In the midst of re-opening, there are now new lockdowns around the world

    Countries that appeared, only a few weeks ago, to have their local Covid-19 outbreaks under control – Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore for example – are now seeing new waves of the virus drawing immediate attention from officials, locking down the affected areas. They know, for now, it’s the only solution to counter new outbreaks. These mini-outbreaks in formerly ‘low-risk’ areas…

  • Pattaya News

    Russian man found hanged in Pattaya shophouse

    A 45 year old Russian man has been found dead in a Jomtien shophouse. The man was discovered just after midnight today, hanging from the doorknob of his third floor rented apartment. Police say he was due to leave Thailand today bound for Russia. Pattaya City Police were notified of the incident just after midnight by the landlord in Jomtien, just…

  • Covid-19 News

    US Covid-19 cases surge past 3 million

    Over 3 million people in the US have now tested positive for Covid-19 since the start of the outbreak (3,158,932 as of midday Thai time). Nearly 135,000 deaths have been recorded and the country is now facing an acceleration of new cases in a number of key states, notably Florida, Texas, California, Arizona, Georgia and Tennessee. On a positive note,…

  • Thai Life

    UPDATE: Thai Cabinet approves civil partnership bill

    NOTE: Yesterday, The Thaiger referred to the bill as allowing “same sex marriage”. Our headline was incorrect. We have corrected the story with updated information. We apologise for the error. The Thai cabinet yesterday endorsed a bill allowing registration of same-sex couples, as well as legal amendments to ensure same-sex couples have the same rights and privileges as opposite-sex couples.…

  • Expats

    What will happen to foreigners with expired visas after July 31?

    Before you read further, seeking a definitive answer, we don’t have one. But stranded foreigners, who have been able to stay in Thailand via a visa amnesty, have an approaching D-Day – July 31, 2020. This is the sunset of the current amnesty for foreigners who have, through no fault of their own, been stuck in Thailand whilst the borders…

  • South Thailand News

    One drowned, another still missing off Surat Thani

    One person is still missing, one has been recovered and another person has drowned after a search for coastal molluscs and cockles went wrong in Surat Thani yesterday. A woman was reported as being washed out to sea and her daughter-in-law is still missing, while collecting molluscs at a Laem Pho beach in Chaiya district, north in Surat Thani province. There…

  • World News

    Locals not rushing to book Singapore ‘staycations’

    Tokyo residents can escape the city with a hike up Mount Fuji. New Yorkers can head to Long Island for a weekend. In Indonesia locals will be able to fly to the beaches of Bali. And in Thailand anyone living here now can visit the island of Phuket for a beach retreat. Such is the Covid era ‘staycation’, the solution…

  • World News

    Facebook blocks Hong Kong’s user data requests after China’s new security law

    Facebook is blocking requests from Hong Kong to receive user data after China’s passing of a new national security law that reportedly aims to crack down on government critics. WhatsApp and Twitter are also included in the blocking of data requests with Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone saying it is stopping the review of such requests until it evaluates the new…

  • World News

    Thailand teams with Laos to stop drug trafficking

    Thailand is reportedly teaming up with Laos to stop drug trafficking after drug syndicates have changed their routes from Myanmar to Laos. Thailand Narcotics Control Board secretary-general Niyom Termsrisuk, says the direction change was due to heavy policing at the Myanmar-Thai border; causing traffickers to switch routes. The Royal Thai Armed Forces have formed a division to combat drug trafficking…

  • Covid-19 News

    Illegal migrants workers bring fears of new Covid infections

    After more than 3,000 illegal migrant workers were caught trying to enter Thailand, the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration is warning that there is still a risk of new infections. CCSA spokesperson Dr. Taweesilp Visanuyothin says most of them have been detained and many have been sent back to their own countries but because they actually made it into the Kingdom,…

  • Environment News

    Pattaya Museum denied the origins of the blackwater, then changed their mind – VIDEO

    A heritage museum in Pattaya is blaming a “faulty pump” for the flow of black wastewater that was flowing into the coastline on the Pattaya beachfront at Wong Prachan Bay. The “Sanctuary of Truth Museum” VP denied that they’d intentionally allowed the dirty water onto the beach. But later the vice president of the Sanctuary of Truth, Warakorn Wiriyahan, added that the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 increasingly linked with patients who lose their sense of smell

    Wake up and smell the roses. But a group of Covid-19 patients simply can’t as they’ve lost their sense of smell. Anosmia, losing the ability to smell, can be psychologically difficult to live with and has no real treatment. Anosmia has been linked to some Covid-19 patients, both before they develop full symptoms or after they recover from the major…

  • Covid-19 News

    Australia shuts down border between 2 most populous states over Covid-19 fears

    Australian officials are closing borders indefinitely starting from tomorrow for its two most populous states over Covid-19 fears, Victoria and New South Wales. The move comes after authorities scramble to contain a coronavirus outbreak in the northern suburbs of the city of Melbourne, with some fearing that even these current containment measures may not work to stop the spread of…

  • World News

    Dalai Lama releases musical album today on his 85th birthday

    Today, as Buddhists worldwide observe Asalha Puja and Buddhist Lent Day, the Dalai Lama is also celebrating his 85th birthday by releasing an album full of mantras and teachings. The album, titled “Inner World”, starts off with the song “One Of My Favourite Prayers” and follows with reciting meditations and mantras featured with musical backgrounds. The record came about when musician…

  • Crime News

    Young Thai photographer admits to attempted sexual assault of model

    An 18 year old Thai photographer has admitted trying to sexually assault a swimsuit model during a photoshoot after the victim posted the account on Facebook. The young man turned himself in at a Chonburi Police Station and confessed to the accusations leading to police charging him with attempted rape. The model posted that she escaped the sexual assault attempt…

  • Business News

    “Come and see” – Ministry invites diplomats to see coconut-picking monkeys in action

    The monkeys, and the Thai government, are hitting back at accusations macaque monkeys are being exploited, even abused, and forced to pick coconuts for commercial farmers. Some larger western retailers say they’re going to pull Thai coconut products off their shelves after being lobbied by animal rights activist that the coconuts were picked by abused and over-worked macaque monkeys. The Thai…

  • Business News

    PETA reveals ‘abused’ monkeys used to pick coconuts in Thailand

    A boycott is in full swing amongst western retailers to pull Thai coconut products off their shelves following allegations that the coconuts have been picked by monkeys who were ‘abused’ to learn how to pick coconuts. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals director, Elisa Allen, claims the macaque monkeys are “snatched from the wild” and cruelly trained to climb up…