Phuket Health: What’s happening to all my power?

PHUKET: “I cannot sleep!” That is frequently what I hear in my consultations. Nearly all of us have experienced difficulty sleeping, be it falling asleep or other sleep worries such as frequent awakening, sleep apnea, nightmares, narcolepsy, sleep paralysis or even jet lag.

Sleep is the sweet balm that soothes and restores us after a long day of work. It seems to be the protector of our metabolism. In the midbrain, there is a small organ called the hypothalamus, where our personal memories are accounted and stored, controlled by a genetically-designed mechanism, the circadian rhythm. If it’s dark, we fall asleep with the support of a hormone, Melatonin, which only is secreted in darkness. This hormone not only controls our sleep, but our metabolism as well.

Melatonin is an active immune stimulator, protecting us from infectious diseases and cancer. People who work night shifts, thereby decreasing their melatonin output, are at increased risk for cancer. Melatonin is also efficient in preventing sepsis, asphyxia in newborns and metabolic and neuro-degenerative diseases, inflammation and aging. The beneficial effects of melatonin can be explained by its properties as a potent antioxidant and antioxidant enzyme inducer. These effects support the use of melatonin in viral infections.

Melatonin acts as anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory hormone helping to burn off calories and turn them into energy. Therefore, a long sleep in a dark room increases your melatonin and makes you more resistant against infections, builds up your energy and will help you in controlling weight gain, even without reducing the intake of food. Melatonin also improves your blood lipid profile, as it reduces triglycerides, and also increases the “good” HDL cholesterol and reduces the “bad” LDL cholesterol.

Melatonin is found in some fruits and vegetables such as mustard, Goji berries, almonds, sunflower seeds, cardamom, fennel, coriander and cherries. Additional melatonin as a supplement should be taken. Sleep in dark and cool rooms for a minimum of eight hours. Measure your melatonin levels before you get your melatonin supplement.

Phuket’s Thanyapura Integrated Health Center in Thalang helps you to get your power back, lose weight, and protect you from degenerative diseases and cancer by improving your sleep depth and rhythm.

Thai Life
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