• Thailand News

    Myth busted: Drinking alcohol does not kill Covid-19 – VIDEO

    With the latest wave of Covid-19 infections, spreading quickly from clusters at Bangkok bars and nightclubs to provinces across Thailand, nightlife venues were the first to close and will probably be the last to reopen. Alcohol bans at restaurants in provinces with high numbers of active Covid-19 cases are also likely to stay in effect for a while. Thailand’s move…

  • Thailand News

    500,000 Sinovac doses reach Thailand

    Yesterday, China’s embassy in Thailand announced that the second shipment of 500,000 doses of the Sinovac vaccines given by the Chinese government got to Thailand. This second shipment brings the total donations of Sinovac from China to 6.5 million doses. Globally, China and Thailand have the most doses of Sinovac. Earlier this week, The Thaiger reported that 11 million doses…

  • Thailand News

    Countries push back against being associated with variants, new system may be coming soon

    It is one thing to hear a foreign country be connected to the name of a virus, it’s another thing when it’s your country. It feels personal. Last week, many Thais were incensed to have their country associated with a Covid variant. Likewise, the Indian government has called for having all references to the “Indian Variant” scrubbed from social media. They…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO gives emergency authorisation to China’s Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine

    China’s Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine has been given the green light by The World Health Organisation for emergency use. The director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made the announcement yesterday in Geneva. The Chinese vaccine joins Pfizer/BioNTech, Astrazeneca-SK Bio, Janssen, Moderna, and Serum Institute of India in being authorised by the WHO for emergency use. “This afternoon, WHO gave emergency use listing to…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO says pandemic reaching critical levels in South Asia

    Despite vaccines being rolled out, the WHO is warning that the Covid-19 pandemic has reached a “critical level” in South Asia as infections keep rising. The virus has already taken 2.9 million lives, infecting 136 million worldwide and the WHO’s technical lead on Covid-19, Maria Van Kerkhove, says the “trajectory of this pandemic is growing…exponentially.” “This is not the situation…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai PM joins world leaders in calling for pandemic treaty

    Thailand’s PM has joined world leaders and the World Health Organisation in calling for a pandemic treaty to prepare for the next global health crisis. Prayut Chan-o-cha has added his signature to an article signed by more than 20 world leaders, including the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, the British PM, Boris Johnson, and WHO boss,…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO along with 23 nations support international treaty for future pandemics

    The World Health Organisation, along with 23 nations are supporting the idea of an international treaty to prepare the world for future pandemics. The idea, which was introduced last November by the chairman of European Union leaders Charles Michel at a G20 summit, would ensure universal and equitable access to vaccines, medicines and diagnostics for pandemics. Today, that idea has…

  • Bangkok News

    UNAids staffer who reported sexual assault at a Bangkok hotel loses dismissal case

    A former policy advisor for a United Nations programme fighting AIDS, who claims she was sexually assaulted in a Bangkok hotel elevator by a then-senior official for the agency and was later fired after going public with the accusations, lost her appeal against her termination from UNAids. The 41 year old Martina Brostrom from Sweden says she was sexually assaulted…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Pollies in jail, Covid originated in Thailand? | Feb 25

    Today on Thailand News Today, a number of government ministers have ended up in jail, the vaccines are about to roll out but experts say the injections are not the end of the pandemic, and A Pattaya motorbike taxi driver is being accused of attacking a Chilean national. We’ve also get a special report on the channel about accusations that…

  • Covid-19 News

    Did the Covid-19 virus actually originate in Thailand? | VIDEO

    South East Asia was the source of Covid-19, not China. Even more specifically, it came from Thailand… from the famous Chatuchak market, or, as quoted correctly “a market LIKE Chatuchak”. That’s the claims of a Danish epidemiologist Thea Kolsen Fischer, who was on a recent World Health Organisation fact-finding mission to Wuhan to examine the origins of the latest coronavirus…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand acknowledges wildlife markets could be dangerous to humans

    The Thai Ministry of Public Health is being praised after seemingly doing an about face over whether Bangkok’s Chatuchak Weekend Market could be the source of Covid‐19. After health officials denied that the World Health Organisation was investigating the market, a recent Facebook live press conference saw the Ministry acknowledging that wildlife trades may endanger public health. The recent investigation…

  • Covid-19 News

    World Tourism hotspots re-opening – success or failure? | VIDEO

    The world of tourism has been turned upside down, not just in Thailand but around the world. Globally, it’s certainly the hardest hit industry from the coronavirus pandemic, shutting down hotels, tour companies, grounding aeroplanes and putting millions out of work. Before we look at the latest situation, and predictions for Thailand, let’s take a quick tour of some of…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO approves emergency use of the Pfizer/BionTech Covid vaccine

    The World Health Organisation has granted “emergency validation” for the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, allowing countries across the globe to now approve its import and distribution for their citizens. In a statement released on the final day of 2020, the WHO said its validation, the first since the start of the pandemic, “opens the door for countries to expedite their own…

  • Visa Information

    Welcome to 2021 – Digital Covid Passports | VIDEO

    Documentation, including your current Covid status and vaccination details, will become 2021’s biggest challenge as governments, businesses, and the travel industry try and re-establish some sort of workable way forward. Several companies and technology groups are developing smartphone apps or systems for individuals to upload details of their Covid-19 tests and vaccinations, creating digital credentials that could be shown in…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO calls for calm over new coronavirus variant

    The World Health Organisation is calling for calm over the emergence of a new strain of Covid-19 in countries including Britain and South Africa. WHO emergencies chief Mike Ryan says virus mutation is to be expected and is not a cause for major alarm. His comments come as a growing number of countries impose travel bans on passengers from the…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Thais praised for Covid response, Travel Stimulus doomed, Alcohol Ban | Dec 18

    Final day of the week and a busy week of news. Please catch up with our other information videos at our YouTube Channel. While you’re there, please subscribe and click the bell for notifications. Thailand’s top epidemiologist warns against shortening quarantine Whilst the CCSA announced yesterday they were going to conduct yet another enquiry into shortening quarantine for arrives in…

  • Covid-19 News

    “Vaccines are no magic bullet” – World Health Organisation

    “Vaccines will be no magic bullet for the coronavirus crisis as nations gear up for a massive rollout to tackle surging infections.” The warning of caution comes from the World Health Organisation on the day the US United States recorded a record number of Covid-19 cases for a second day in a row. President-elect Joe Biden is already describing the time…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO praises Thailand for being successful model of Covid containment

    The director of the World Health Organisation is praising Thailand for being a successful model of Covid-19 containment. Dr. Panprapha Yongtrakul, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Public Health says the WHO director noted that despite Thailand having a population of 70 million with many densely populated cities, the total number of cases is less than 4,000 with only 60…

  • Covid-19 News

    “There is hope” Covid-19 vaccine could be ready by the end of the year, WHO director

    A Covid-19 vaccine could be ready by end of this year and distributed by next year. While the cost and availability of the vaccine remains uncertain, the World Health Organisation director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is calling on world leaders to make sure any vaccine is equally distributed to the public once it is available. WHO’s COVAX global vaccine facility is…

  • World News

    Thai Health Minister accepts chairman role with WHO Regional Committee

    Thailand’s Health Minister, Anutin Charnvirakul, has been appointed chair of the World Health Organisation’s Regional Committee for Southeast Asia. The colourful and controversial minister made the announcement at a press conference yesterday afternoon. He says 14 countries put his name forward for the role, which has a fixed term of 1 year, partly due to Thailand’s success in controlling the…

  • Việt Nam

    COVID-19: Phân biệt các triệu chứng của virus corona với cúm, cảm lạnh, dị ứng

    Cùng là những bệnh tác động tới hệ hô hấp của con người, do đó nhiều người dễ đánh giá nhầm lẫn triệu chứng của virus corona với dị ứng, cúm và cảm lạnh thông thường. Các triệu chứng bệnh khá giống nhau như đau họng, mệt mỏi và ho khan có thể cùng xuất hiện ở những bệnh nhân…

  • Việt Nam

    COVID-19: Liệu đau rát họng có phải là triệu chứng của virus corona?

    Cũng có khả năng bạn bị nhiễm virus corona nếu cảm thấy đau rát họng, nhưng những triệu chứng khác có vẻ phổ biến và quan trọng hơn nhiều! Nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng COVID-19 có một loạt các triệu chứng, song nhiều người cảm thấy bối rối khi nhiều triệu chứng trong số này rất giống với dấu hiệu…

  • Việt Nam

    Covid-19: Ớn lạnh, đau họng là triệu chứng nhiễm virus corona

    Danh sách triệu chứng của virus corona vừa dài thêm với sự bổ sung của các dấu hiệu: cảm giác ớn lạnh, đau cơ, nhức đầu và đau họng. Sau khuyến nghị của Hội đồng Chuyên gia Dịch tễ Tiểu bang (CSTE) và quan sát của các bác sĩ sau khi điều trị cho hàng nghìn trường hợp dương tính…

  • Việt Nam

    Tin Covid-19: Triệu chứng mới của người nhiễm virus corona chủng mới

    Mới đây, các bác sĩ tại Nga cho biết phát ban là một trong số những triệu chứng mới của virus corona chủng mới, bên cạnh những triệu chứng ban đầu như ho, sốt, khó thở. “Chúng tôi thấy biểu hiện trên da của 10% bệnh nhân nhiễm nCoV (được điều trị tại Kommunarka, Moskva), song điều này ít được…

  • Việt Nam

    Covid-19: Phát hiện mới về những triệu chứng khác thường ở người nhiễm virus corona

    Các nhà khoa học Pháp cảnh báo virus corona chủng mới có thể gây ra các triệu chứng về da liễu, kể cả khi người nhiễm bệnh không có các triệu chứng về hô hấp. Theo Hiệp hội các bác sĩ da liễu quốc gia Pháp (SNDV), nhiều trường hợp nhiễm Covid-19 bộc lộ các triệu chứng da liễu như…

  • Covid-19 News

    Trump announces withdrawal from WHO over China claims

    The UN has announced that the US is leaving the World Health Organisation effective July 6, 2021, after official notice from US President Donald Trump, who has been sharply critical of the agency’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. He had accused the WHO of being “a puppet of China”. The WHO has denied assertions by President Trump that it promoted…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO clarify the early days of the novel coronavirus

    As the coronavirus continues to spread worldwide, adding a million new infections in less than a week, NGOs and governments, alike, are starting to publish their official narrative about the early days of Covid-19. For the World Health Organisation, they now strenuously deny any complacency toward China and have published a series of notifications and communications with Chinese authorities outlining the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Second-deadliest Ebola outbreak officially over

    After no new cases were reported for 42 days, the world’s second-deadliest Ebola outbreak has been declared officially over. 16,000 frontline workers in The Democratic Republic of Congo have battled against the country’s tenth outbreak for almost two years with a World Health Organisation official saying it was like a mission impossible as more than 2,200 lives were lost. The…

  • World News

    Covid-19 today: World snapshot

    Despite many vaccines being in the works, and mostly all nations imposing safety measures surrounding Covid-19, The World Health Organisation says the pandemic is still growing around the world. “The epidemic is now peaking or moving toward a peak in a number of large countries,” said Dr Michael Ryan, WHO’s emergencies chief. So here is what’s happening around the world…

  • World News

    Asia stocks rise along with coronavirus cases

    Asian stocks are rising along with the number of coronavirus cases after the WHO reported the highest daily rise since the pandemic began. The fine line between a second wave in cases and the removal of lockdowns seems to favour a more conservative approach in the stock market as caution is being taken. The Nikkei 225 ranked 0.3% higher in…