
  • Business News

    Syntec construction prioritises data centre projects

    Public traded contractor Syntec Construction formed a dedicated team to manage the growing demand for data centre construction projects, particularly from industry heavyweights. This initiative is part of Syntec’s business strategy for this year, which prioritises bids for data centre construction owing to their heightened demand across the industry, according to Chief Executive, Somchai Sirilertpanich. The company has expanded its…

  • Thailand News

    Customer pressured into 5-star review to unlock warranty

    A recent outcry has emerged on social media after a customer was pressured to leave a five-star review for a product to receive a warranty, sparking a heated debate about consumer rights and business ethics. The incident was brought to light when a customer shared their frustration in a Facebook group dedicated to consumer affairs, provoking a flood of responses…

  • Business News

    JobThai reports 10.8% surge in labour demand

    JobThai, a leading online recruitment firm, reported a 10.8% year-on-year increase in labour demand for the first three quarters of this year. The travel sector experienced the most significant rise in job recruitment, showing the strongest rebound post-pandemic. The company declared 1.74 million positions from January to September, marking a 10.8% increment compared to the same period last year, according…

  • Business News

    Gold demand remains strong due to central bank purchases says report

    The World Gold Council has released its third-quarter report for this year, indicating a continued strong demand for gold. The council’s data reveals that central bank purchases have been instrumental in maintaining this demand. The report shows that gold demand, excluding over-the-counter (OTC) transactions, reached 1,147 tonnes for the quarter. This figure is 8% higher than the five-year average. When…

  • Business News

    Growing global demand for gold amid banking sector turmoil and geopolitical tensions

    The global demand for gold from investors is witnessing an increase due to instability in the banking sector, geopolitical tensions, and a challenging economic environment, prompting individuals to turn to the precious metal as a safe-haven asset, according to the World Gold Council (WGC). The WGC’s most recent Gold Demand Trend report revealed that demand for gold bars and coins…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Protesters say more rallies will kick off again at 10pm tonight if the PM doesn’t resign

    27C with a low chance of rain. That’s what the protesters will be facing after their promise to resume anti-government protests at 10pm this evening if the Thai PM doesn’t accede to their demands for him to resign. Phatupat Boonpathararaksa, alias Pai Daodin, released on bail from the Bangkok Remand Centre yesterday, announced this morning that speeches will be delivered…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Bangkok hostels offer free beds to struggling protesters

    Some Bangkok hostels are opening their doors, and offering beds and accommodation to demonstrators, providing them free refuge, or at very low prices. Young protesters have travelled to Bangkok to be a part of the growing protest movement that is putting pressure on the PM and government to listen to, and accede, to their demands. More information about their demands…

  • Economy News

    Thailand at the crossroads. The anti-government protesters vs Thai establishment – VIDEO

    Click to watch the video… This video provides some background of the protests and their challenge ahead. They are battling a deeply entrenched “establishment”, including the Army, the government, the Bangkok ‘elite’ and years of conservative traditions protecting the revered Thai monarchy. The protesters are young, educated and motivated. The government controls the levers of power. What will happen? Like…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Police stop protesters as they march towards Government House in Bangkok – PHOTOS

    Protesters started their march from the Democracy Monument on Rajdamnoen Avenue toward the Government House around 3pm today. But they were barred from passing an intersection for an hour. They were prevented from passing the Panfah Lilas intersection where police had set up a blockade and had hundreds of police there to enforce the blacking of the intersection. The police…

  • Bangkok News

    Anti-government protest rally attracts massive crowd, continues today

    And there it was, in full sight of the Grand Palace and shouted out across the royal parade grounds of Sanam Luang, a call to reform Thailand’s monarchy and the powers of the monarch. The protests, which started yesterday in the grounds of Thammasat University’s Tha Prachan Campus, will continue today with a number of symbolic gestures to claim a…

  • Politics News

    Human Rights Watch condemns latest Bangkok protest arrests

    New York-based watchdog Human Rights Watch is strongly condemning the arrests of 7 pro-democracy campaigners and 2 anti-establishment rap performers in Thailand. In a strongly worded statement ,calling for their immediate release, Human Rights Watch says the arrests violate pledges made by the Thai government to respect human rights at a time of swelling protests against its rule. According to…

  • Politics News

    Activists plan more protests nationwide in September

    Student activist groups across the country are threatening to step up anti-government protests in September if their demands are not met. The secretary-general of the Free Youth Movement said today that the planned protests include a march through the streets of Bangkok and prolonged nationwide protests. Tatthep Ruangprapaikitseri cited Sunday’s protest at the Democracy Monument as a “big show of…

  • Politics News

    Protesters attempt to “wash away” government double standards

    Continuing the wave of anti-government demonstrations which has swept the country for nearly 2 weeks, protesters calling themselves “Democracy June 24” gathered outside Government House in Bangkok yesterday and symbolically washed dishes carrying various political messages. The last dish, carrying a photo of PM Prayut Chan-o-cha was dramatically smashed when protesters were “unable” to scrub it clean. (October 24 is…

  • Politics News

    Student protests continue for seventh day

    Students and young people held anti-government demonstrations in several provinces yesterday, continuing a week of protests sweeping the country. Demonstrators are demanding the dissolution of Parliament, a rewritten Constitution and an end to official and unofficial intimidation of government opponents – none of which are even remotely likely to happen, especially the first two. In the western Kanchanaburi province, at…

  • Politics News

    Red shirt leader warns activists against insulting Monarchy

    The chairman of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, aka the “red shirt” movement, says the Student Union of Thailand and the Free Youth group, who launched anti-government protests last week, should stick to their 3 demands and not “cross a line” by including discussion about Thailand’s Monarchy. He warns that, otherwise, they will meet the same fate as…

  • Business News

    Chevrolet Thailand says ‘no’ to compensation demands for cars sold before discounts were announced

    Yesterday, a group of Chevrolet car buyers submitted a letter to Chevrolet Sales (Thailand) at the company national HQ at Rasa Tower, in Bangkok’s northern suburbs. They were demanding the company should compensate them for having bought their cars at full price, just before Chevrolet announced it was pulling out of manufacturing cars in Thailand. Specifically they were complaining about…