Teen arrested after serious assault at Devon private school

A violent assault at Blundell’s School in Tiverton, Devon, has left three individuals, including two students, in hospital with serious injuries. Local authorities have assured parents that the incident was isolated and that there is no wider risk to the community. A 16-year-old boy from Tiverton has been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Superintendent Antony Hart, the local policing commander for Devon and Cornwall Police, described the event as “a very traumatic incident for those involved.” He stated that police are not seeking anyone else in connection with the case and that enquiries and searches near the school would continue throughout the day.

In a letter to parents and guardians, headteacher Bart Wielenga expressed confidence that the incident was isolated. He informed them that there would be a police presence around Petergate, one of the school’s boarding houses, for an unspecified period. Wielenga also mentioned that the school is working closely with the police and that support would be available for students.

South Western Ambulance Service was called to the scene at 12:57am. A spokesperson for the South Western Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) said they dispatched three double-crewed land ambulances, an air ambulance, a rapid response vehicle, and hazardous area response teams. The injured individuals were transported to the hospital by land ambulance.

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Blundell’s School, which charges £41,325 per year for boarders, declined to comment on the matter at this time.

World News

Jamie Cartwright

Jamie is a keen traveler, writer, and (English) teacher. A few years after finishing school in the East Mids, UK, he went traveling around South America and Asia. Several teaching and writing jobs, he found himself at The Thaiger where he mostly covers international news and events.

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