Singaporeans can still travel to most European VTL countries without being quarantined

Stock photo by Tim Dennert for Unsplash

Residents of Singapore who have been vaccinated will still be able to travel quarantine-free to seven of the eight European nations that have vaccinated travel lanes, or VTL, with the Republic.

Despite the European Union’s upgrade of the Republic’s Covid-19 risk assessment on November 9, seven EU countries have yet to reimpose mandatory quarantine on passengers from Singapore, as required by their border legislation.

Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom are among those mentioned.

Finland and Sweden, two other European nations that will begin VTLs with Singapore on November 29, have not imposed quarantine restrictions on visitors from Singapore, leaving Denmark as the only VTL country to do so.

Denmark’s action follows the EU Council’s removal of Singapore from a list of nations for which travel restrictions should be relaxed. Travellers from Singapore have been subjected to four to ten days of isolation since last Thursday.

The border limitations suggestions made by the council, which were amended on November 9, are not legally binding. But its 27 EU member states, which do not include Britain and Switzerland, reference the recommendations when deciding on their border restrictions.

SOURCE: Straits Times

World News


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