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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Tiger in Bronx Zoo tests positive for Coronavirus

    Nadia, a four year old female Malayan tiger, has tested positive for Covid-19 according to the Wildlife Conservation Society of the Bronx Zoo in the US. She, her sister Azul, two Amur tigers, and three African lions all developed a dry cough but are expected to recover. This positive Covid-19 test for the tiger was confirmed by USDA’s National Veterinary…

  • No, 5G does NOT cause coronavirus

    “About the only similarity between 5G and the Coronavirus is that you can’t see them. And that’s about it!” The Thaiger enjoys a good conspiracy theory as much as the next person – hey, maybe Francis Bacon really DID write all of Shakespeare’s works, and maybe we’re all ruled by lizard people – but mostly, in the 21st century we’ll…

  • China enters suppression phase in battle against Coronavirus

    There are now so few coronavirus cases in China that some days authorities don’t have any new cases to report. China has gone from reporting thousands of cases a day back in February to reporting a handful each day now. Recently new cases are slightly higher, but almost all of them are imported cases from travellers recently returning from abroad.…

  • Philippine President Duterte: “Shoot them dead”

    The president of the Philippines is warning that those who violate his coronavirus lockdown could be shot. He also says abuse of medical workers is a “serious crime that will not be tolerated.” In a nationally televised address, President Rodrigo Duterte said it’s crucial that everyone cooperates and follows home quarantine measures to try to slow the spread of Covid-19…

  • Panama’s separation of the sexes to fight coronavirus

    A new, rather unconventional strategy is being rolled out in the Central American nation of Panama to fight the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. Separation of the sexes. Beginning yesterday, only women are allowed to leave their homes to buy necessities, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Men are allowed to venture outs to run errands on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.…

  • Chiang Mai chokes as fires rage in the north of Thailand

    Northern Thailand is choking under a toxic shroud and it’s not getting any better. Air pollution across the upper North remains “at critical levels,” in many areas, including some of the main population centres. Authorities are monitoring almost 400 active hotspots in Chiang Mai alone yesterday. The air quality didn’t improve this morning, with IQAir recording “very unhealthy” air quality…

  • British PM Boris Johnson tests positive for Covid-19

    The British PM has tested positive for the coronavirus. Boris Johnson says he developed “mild symptoms over the past 24 hours”, including a cough and temperature. Mr Johnson was last seen last night, UK time, as he clapped outside his home as part of a nationwide gesture thanking National Health Service staff. 55 year old Mr Johnson maintains he is now…

  • Singaporeans face jail, fines if they don’t observe social distancing

    Singapore authorities have announced tough new measures to combat the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, saying that those found guilty of intentionally standing or sitting too near to others could be jailed for up to six months. The city-state has already closed bars and cinemas, as well as banning large events. While Singapore isn’t under lockdown or a state of…

  • Thai-Malaysia border sealed

    The Thai-language daily Khao Sod reported today the Royal Thai Army has ordered a shutdown of 13 temporary Thai-Malay border checkpoints to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 coronavirus . The order took effect from 5am today. The measure was taken after the Malaysian government closed the nation’s borders from today (March 18) to March 31, to contain the…

  • Thai airways cancels 32 flights to 12 countries

    Reports from Thai Airways International say that due to the spread of the Covid-19 disease the national airline is obligated to announce the cancellation of international flights. In order to meet the traveling needs of decreasing passengers, the airline have announced cancelled flights to and from 12 countries, totalling 32 flights. These flights include… 1. Nepal, Kathmandu, 2 flights, TG…

  • Laos closes checkpoint at Thai border

    Laos has closed its four immigration checkpoints near Thailand’s Nakhon Phanom province, saying it doesn’t have enough medical personnel to screen for the Covid-19 coronavirus at the four places. Immigration Police Office in Nakhon Panom province were informed that Laos would close its immigration checkpoint at Thakhek port from 2pm, until the Covid-19 situation is resolved. Also yesterday, provincial governor…

  • Narathiwat/Malaysia border checkpoints closed March 18-31

    After Malaysia announced its nationwide lock down, the Thai Fourth Army commander Lieutenant General Pornsak Poonsawat, who is also director of the Region 4 Internal Security Operation Command, has announced the temporary closure of the customs checkpoints in Narathiwat, along the Thai/Malaysia border. He went to inspect the Sungai Kolok customs checkpoint in Narathiwat. After seeing that only Malaysian nationals…

  • Stormy skies for Boeing as Coronavirus compounds dire situation

    As the world’s Covid-19 cases continue to rise, aircraft manufacture Boeing is watching its stocks slide. From around US$384 a share back in September last year to as low as US$154.84 last week. It’s since bounced back to US$170.20, but a long, long way from its peak. Most of the losses kicked in from mid-February when the extent of the…

  • Manila goes on lockdown

    “It’s a lockdown It’s just a matter of protecting and defending you from Covid-19. That’s about it.” Some 12 million people in the Philippine capital of Manila are now in near total lockdown after a Thursday order from the nation’s president Rodrigo Duterte banning domestic travel and an announcement earlier today of a nighttime curfew in the capital. The president…

  • 7 dead, dozens trapped in China quarantine hotel collapse

    China’s state media are reporting that seven people died when a hotel used as a coronavirus quarantine centre collapsed last night in southeastern China’s Fujian province. The Ministry of Emergency Management says 80 people were in the building when it came down; nine escaped, while about 70 people were trapped. Of those, 43 have been pulled from the rubble and…

  • US Surgeon General says virus risk low, no need for masks

    “Seriously people, STOP BUYING MASKS!” The US Surgeon General Vice Admiral Dr. Jerome Adams reiterated his blaring tweet from the weekend, urging people to “STOP BUYING MASKS.” He says they are “NOT effective” for the general public. Adams told Americans the risk of the coronavirus to the general public is infinitessimally small, and to stop wearing face masks. He says…

  • Second Princess cruise ship held over virus “links”

    After the nearly month-long ordeal of the Diamond Princess, the cruise ship quarantined off the coast of Japan on which more than 700 Covid-19 coronavius cases were confirmed, now a second Princess Cruises ship, the Grand Princess, is reportedly being held off San Francisco after authorities discovered “links” to the virus onboard. According to the Los Angeles Times the liner…

  • Singapore coronavirus patients to have their meals, medicine delivered by robot

    Patients at a Singapore hospital suspected or confirmed to be infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus will soon get their meals and medicines from a robot. What’s more, a second robot is being deployed to clean, and will chat with patients in four languages, as well as “Singlish.” Details of the use of the robot technology were outlined in Singapore’s Ministry…

  • Thailand announces 4 new coronavirus cases, all from Italy or Iran

    “There is still no sign of true community spread in Thailand.” Thailand has confirmed four new cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus, bringing its total to 47 since January. All were recent arrivals from Italy or Iran. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoen, director-general of the Department of Disease Control made the announcement in a news conference today. The new cases are: A 29 year…

  • Vietnamese virus videos go viral

    The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak shaking the region and the world economy is inspiring some “novel” music videos in Vietnam. Homemade videos featuring a hit Vietnamese song and an accompanying dance about the need for hand-washing have racked up more than 2 million views on video app TikTok. Borrowing the tune from the pop song “Jealous” (“Ghen” in Vietnamese) Vietnam’s health…

  • Is the “footshake” the new handshake?

    People around the world are changing the way they greet each other due to fears of spreading the COVID-19 coronavirus. In Beijing, the capital of the country where the outbreak began, red banners tell people not to shake hands but rather to join their own hands as a sign of greeting. Loudspeakers tell people to make the traditional “gong shou”…

  • Mt Merapi erupts, closes Adi Sumarmo International Airport in Indonesia

    Adi Sumarmo International Airport in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia has been closed because of an active volcano erupting, spewing smoke and ash into the sky. There have been no reports of casualties or damage, according to National Disaster Mitigation Agency. The airport on Indonesia’s Java Island was forced to close temporarily this morning after the volcano, Mt Merapi, erupted spewing…

  • Gunman in Manila mall standoff surrenders, releases hostages

    Further to a story earlier reported by The Thaiger, a former security guard has released some 30 people and walked out of a Manila shopping mall after hours of gruelling negotiations, ending a day-long hostage crisis in an upscale commercial district. The gunman, identified by police as Archie Paray, a former guard at the complex, left the V-Mall in suburban…

  • Sacked security guard takes around 30 hostages at shopping mall in Philippines

    A man has been shot and around 30 people have been taken hostage by a gunman at a mall in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Armed police and negotiators are trying to end the standoff peacefully. The situation is ongoing. The shot man is already in hospital in a stable condition. The gunman, reported to be a former security…

  • France bans large gatherings, discourages “air kisses”

    The number of coronavirus cases in France has nearly doubled and currently stands at 100, of whom 86 are hospitalised, two have died and 12 have recovered, according Jerome Salomon, the head of France’s national health service. To fight the spread of the virus, France is banning all indoor public gatherings of more than 5,000, and discouraging the public from…

  • Coronavirus UPDATE: China cases ease, 42 cases now in Thailand

    The total confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) is now 85,217, with 2,924 people having succumbed to the disease. 39,554 people have fully recovered, approaching 50% of total cases. In Thailand there are now 42 confirmed cases with 28 people listed as “recovered”. The latest Thai victim is a 21 year old salesman whose job is said to have exposed him to foreign…

  • Coronavirus myths: Eight things you should probably already know

    Two months after the first cases came to the attention of the world, a lot more is known about the coronavirus, aka. Covid-19. Here’s a few well established myths and a few scientific facts. MYTH: ‘Face masks don’t work’ Wearing a face mask is no guarantee that you won’t be infected. However, masks are effective at capturing droplets and larger…

  • South Korea virus cases skyrocket, approaching 3000

    The World Health Organization has raised its risk alert to its highest level, as South Korea confirmed 594 more coronavirus (COVID-19) cases today, its biggest single-day increase, bringing the national total to 2,931. Three additional deaths were also reported. The Korean Centres for Disease Control and Prevention say that more than 90% of the new cases were in Daegu, the…

  • Coronavirus UPDATE: S Korean cases exceed 2,000, cases in 15 European countries

    The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) has now killed at least 2,858 people worldwide as the focus of the outbreak now moves away from China and to outbreaks in central South Korea, northern Italy and other parts of Europe. 83,379 people are now infected but, notably (and increasingly), 36,562 people have fully recovered. At least 15 European countries now have confirmed cases of…

  • More virus cases reported outside of China than within

    For the first time ever, more COVID-19 coronavirus cases were reported in countries other than China yesterday, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The US is urging travellers to delay or cancel travel to South Korea after that country’s confirmed cases passed the 1500 mark. New cases were found around the world, from Pakistan to Brazil. The Iranian government…

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