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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Trump claims “evidence” that virus originated in Wuhan lab, WHO wants to join investigation

    US President Donald Trump claimed yesterday in a nationally televised address that he “has seen evidence” the the Covid-19 coronavirus originated in a Wuhan epidmiology lab, an assertion roundly disputed by scientists and intelligence agencies, and which threatens to turn into a diplomatic disaster. He declined to share the evidence, claiming he is “not allowed.” The claim was almost immediately contradicted…

  • Antiviral Remdesevir has “significant effect” – VIDEO

    The controversial antiviral drug Remdesevir got a boost today after Dr Anthony Fauci, the most trusted voice in the US when speaking of Covid-19, announced the drug has has a “clear-cut” effect in helping Covid-19 patients recover. “The data show that Remdesivir has a clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery, proving that a drug can block…

  • Crocodile attacks and kills 55 year old fisherman in Indonesia

    A crocodile was hunted and killed after it attacked and ate a 55 year old fisherman. Reports reveal that villagers at Riau province Indonesia, on the central eastern coast of Sumatra facing the Strait of Malacca, got together to help to catch the crocodile. When the crocodile was eventually captured and killed, the villagers then cut open the crocodile’s belly to…

  • South Korean fire kills 38 workers – VIDEO

    According to reports, at around 1:30pm local South Korean time, a fire at a warehouse in Icheon killed 38 construction workers and left another 10 injured. The fire was reported at a warehouse that was under construction in the city of Icheon, 80 kilometres south of the capital). Local news sources report that “all the victims are believed to be…

  • Singapore robot patrols park with polite social distancing reminder

    “Do not loiter at this park. Stay safe, stay home.” A robot, originally procured a year ago to monitor plants and reservoirs in Singapore, is being put to a different use in these strange new Covid-19 times. Boasting a 360 degree, high-definition camera and facial recognition sensors, the robot, known as O-R3, patrols Bedok Reservoir park, politely telling off anyone…

  • Dodgy Chinese medical supplies rejected by many countries

    Countries across Europe and around the world are rejecting substandard medical supplies from China as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to sweep parts of the globe and the death toll continues to climb. Germany, Belgium and Holland have joined the ranks of other nations, including Canada, Spain and Slovakia, complaining of unreliable test kits, inaccurate thermometers and shoddy Personal Protection Equipment.…

  • To wear or not to wear, that is the question. Face masks in a Covid-19 world.

    The hot topic du jour is face masks – to wear or not to wear. Are they useful? Do they just make wearers ‘feel’ protected, or can they actually contribute to the prevention of spreading Covid-19, or any other virus for that matter. In Asian countries, generally, it’s become a common look, as people move around and go shopping while…

  • North Korean leader reportedly in “vegetative state”

    For days the government of North Korea has been tight-lipped as speculation about the health of the nation’s leader Kim Jong-un’s health spreads. Now the Japanese weekly magazine Shukan Gendai is reporting that a failed surgery has left the 36 year old in a vegetative state. American celebrity tabloid website TMZ has gone a step further and claimed he’s actually…

  • Japan cruise ship: 14 more crew test positive for Covid-19

    The Costa Atlantica, the cruise ship docked in Nagasaki, Japan, has had 14 more crew members test positive for the Covid-19 virus. The additional cases come on top of 34 confirmed cases earlier this week. Thai PBS World reports that the ship has been in Nagasaki since January, when it docked to have maintenance work carried out. It’s believed to…

  • China opens 2 more border points to allow transport of Thai fruits

    The director-general of the Department of Agriculture announced today that China has opened two more points at its Vietnam border to allow the transportation of Thai fruits during the Covid-19 crisis. The move comes after the existing Youyi Guan checkpoint was overwhelmed with 15 kilometre queues of Thai and Vietnamese goods vehicles. The Department of Agriculture together with National Bureau of…

  • Thailand names 5 more ASEAN countries as ‘high risk’, 4 are border nations

    A Ministry of Public Health announcement yesterday, signed by Deputy PM and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, and published in the Royal Gazette, claims the Covid-19 situation in 5 nearby countries is escalating. Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Myanmar have now been added to the list of countries and territories considered as high risk areas for infection. On March 6,…

  • Where is North Korean leader Kim Jong Un?

    Although North Korean media has not mentioned anything about Kim Jong Un’s health, or whereabouts, there is intense international speculation that Kin Jong Un has fallen ill due to cardiovascular problems. It was first mentioned after CNN’s chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto kept claiming that “Kim Jong Un was in grave danger after surgery.” However, South Korea’s presidential office…

  • At least 18 dead in Canada’s worst-ever mass shooting

    It is the deadliest mass shooting in Canadian history. Royal Canadian Mounted Police rushed to more than a dozen crime scenes yesterday after a shooting rampage by a gunman disguised as a police officer left at least 18 dead and homes in smoldering ruins in rural Nova Scotia. Officials say the suspect, 51 year old Gabriel Wortman, died in the…

  • Singapore battles to control new surge in Covid-19 cases

    The tiny island state, earlier seen as a vanguard for Covid-19 containment, has now seen a recent spike in cases pushing it to the top of the list in south east Asia’s tally of total number of cases. Singapore yesterday recorded 1,426 new COVID-19 infections, bringing its total to 8,014 (as of 9am Thai time) in a population of just…

  • Oil prices tank, as crisis fuels calls to re-open economies

    And now a global oil crisis hits home as well. Oil prices have crashed into negative territory after global coronavirus-related travel restrictions impacted demand. After addressing the early crisis with ‘lockdowns’ and social distancing, now the narrative pivots to lifting stay-at-home orders and re-opening economies. Some European countries have taken tentative steps to ease restrictions as coronavirus death rates start to…

  • Indonesian man arrested for fraud

    Police in Bangkokk’s Don Mueang district say revealed a 72 year old Indonesian man has been arrested for “misappropriation of funds.” The victim filed a report after realising he’d been scammed. In his complaint the victim claims that “Ricky” Hartono Widjaj invited him to invest in the metal business, importing metal into Thailand from Malaysia. The victim handed Ricky about…

  • Yangon applies curfew despite low reported case

    Burmese authorities in the largest city Yangon have announced a night curfew to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Like Thailand, the curfew runs from 10pm to 4am, starting from last night, affecting some 7 million people. The curfew will remain in place “until further notice”. Mandalay, a city of around 1.5 million, has also imposed a similar curfew from…

  • AirAsia will resume some flights beginning April 29

    With a dozen or more airlines, including national flag carrier Thai Airways suspending flights or completely grounding their fleets due to the Covid-19 crisis, there is a ray of sunshine. AirAsia is set to resume domestic flights, starting with the home base in Malaysia on April 29, followed by Thailand and the Philippines on May 1, India on May 4…

  • Indonesia now leads SE Asia in Covid-19 cases

    Indonesia is now leading the region with the highest number of Covid-19 cases. 407 new coronavirus cases were announced yesterday, taking the total of reported infections to 5,923, passing the Philippines as the country with the highest number of cases in Southeast Asia. At the start of April Indonesia had only reported 1,677 cases leaving epidemiologists to ponder how the…

  • Extreme weather threatens already virus-stricken Asian and Pacific countries

    Experts are warning that South and Southeast Asian nations, from India to Indonesia, already slammed by Covid-19, could now face a looming weather crisis in coming months, from heat waves to monsoons and cyclones. India, with a population of some 1.4 billion is currently under “lockdown,” with more than 12,000 confirmed cases (though due to low testing rates, the real…

  • Thai-Malaysian border set to open this weekend

    The Thai-Malaysian border is set to reopen this weekend to assist the struggling rubber trade, causing locals to express concern that a spike in new Covid 19 cases could result in Thailand because of the move. Security officials, however, are assuring the public that intensive screening measures are in place in anticipation of the re-opening. Commander of the Fourth Army…

  • Taiwan considers rebranding its flag carrier, China Airlines

    Taipei is considering changing the name of its flag carrier: China Airlines. Perhaps an opportunistic excuse to distance itself from any anti-Chinese ‘Covid’ fallout or just a political ploy whilst China has, well, other things to worry about at the moment. It seems the Covid-19 pandemic has reignited calls to change the name after the airline sent a series of…

  • Can air-con spread Covid-19?

    A research letter published by Guangzhou Centres for Disease Control in China looked at 10 coronavirus cases of 3 families who ate in adjacent tables at the same time. The study proposes that droplet transmission by the restaurant’s air conditioning system was increased. The initial patient arrived from Wuhan and dined at the restaurant with 3 family members. Two other…

  • Canadian students create hotline to cheer up quarantined elderly

    Quarantine might not be so terrible for Gen X, Y, or Millennials with subscription services such as Netflix, HBO Go, Amazon Prime and other streaming services, plus fads like TikToc, et al to keep them busy. But for the elderly, isolation can be quite lonely. Canadian High school students wanted to change that by creating a hotline that plays pre…

  • Singapore hit by a second wave of coronavirus cases

    Singapore was a paragon of coronavirus containment. Covid-19 was under control in the island state. Case number were flattening out. But the virus has made a resurgent return with the previous ‘flattening’ of new cases now spiking. As Italy, Spain, the UK and US founder under a seemingly relentless pandemic, despite lockdowns and best intentions, several Asian nations stand out…

  • US President halts funding for WHO – VIDEO

    At over 600,000 cases, the US has more Covid-19 infections than any other country. Now, the US President Donald Trump has now announced a cut in US funding for the World Health Organisation, the UN agency tasked with fighting the outbreak worldwide. In a press briefing at the White House Rose Garden yesterday, he said he had instructed his administration to…

  • Singapore issues permanent ban for breaking curfew

    Twenty four work pass holders had their work permits cancelled and are now permanently banned from working in Singapore for breaking Covid 19 “circuit breaker” rules. The foreign workers were caught eating, drinking and socialising in groups near Tuas View Square in Singapore’s western region. The Ministry of Manpower stepped up inspections of dormitories to ensure safe distancing measures are…

  • Fire in Kanchanaburi sends foul smoke over Burmese border

    Yesterday, a large area of the province of Kanchanaburi was engulfed in stinking toxic smoke after a garbage fire ripped through a 3-rai (51,667 squared metres) garbage dump in the district of Sangkhlaburi, right on the Burmese border. The garbage tip is located next to a sugarcane farmer’s village. 2 fire trucks were sent by Kanchanaburi officials to extinguish the…

  • Stranded Burmese permitted to return home

    Stranded Burmese people at Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai Tachileik border crossing in Northern Thailand have been allowed to return home to Myanmar. The Burmese people, stuck in Thailand since borders were closed as a prevention in the spread of Covid-19, have been held in quarantine at Phra That Doi Wao temple in Mae Sai. Myanmar officials allowed them to cross…

  • Indonesian cases spike, 24 doctors have now died

    The Indonesian archipelago has announced its highest daily increase in Covid-19 coronavirus cases. There has also been a concerning rise in the deaths of doctors and health workers at the frontline of the national fight against the disease. Statistics have doubled in the last week. The 218 new coronavirus cases took the number overall in Indonesia to 2,491. The 209 confirmed…

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