Netizens divided over two-faced cat

A kitten born with a rare, two-toned face has taken the Internet by storm with his own social media page.

Split down the middle, one side black and the other grey, Narnia’s face shocked his owner, pedigree cat breeder Stephanie Jimenez, as soon as she saw him.

Netizens divided over two-faced cat | News by Thaiger

She said…

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“I was very surprised; he is exceptional. It’s possible he’s a chimaera so two embryos in his mother’s womb merged. A geneticist is performing new tests on Narnia to better understand it … we hope that one day we will have a correct answer!”

Jimenez, a mother of five who lives near Paris, France, has bred pedigree cats for nine years. She also has a chihuahua named Aslan, and a rabbit named Peluche.

Netizens divided over two-faced cat | News by Thaiger

Narnia is five years-old. He’s a British shorthair mix with piercing blue eyes. As his kittenish face grew into a sleek adult, the boundary between the black and grey sharpened. Jimenez created an Instagram page for Narnia but did not expect him to become so famous. His page has 280,000 followers.

Netizens divided over two-faced cat | News by Thaiger

Jiminez said…

“When people discover Narnia there are two possible reactions. The first – ‘He’s the most beautiful cat I’ve seen, he’s amazing!’ The second – ‘It’s not a real cat, it’s not possible. The photo or video is faked.’

“He knows how to open doors! He loves hugs, he purrs all the time, he loves to sleep, play, and eat … and, he likes to pose for pictures.”

Netizens divided over two-faced cat | News by Thaiger

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Jon Whitman

Jon Whitman is a seasoned journalist and author who has been living and working in Asia for more than two decades. Born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, Jon has been at the forefront of some of the most important stories coming out of China in the past decade. After a long and successful career in East sia, Jon is now semi-retired and living in the Outer Hebrides. He continues to write and is an avid traveller and photographer, documenting his experiences across the world.

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