Jealous Indian man stabs girlfriend 18 times in Malaysian condo

In a tragic incident, an Indian woman was fatally stabbed by her boyfriend in a condominium in Kelana Jaya, Malaysia. The 30-year-old suspect, also an Indian national, was apprehended after being caught trespassing on train tracks by an Express Rail Link (ERL) auxiliary police team. Upon further questioning, he confessed to killing his 40-year-old girlfriend on June 2, suspecting she was having an affair with their housemate.

Petaling Jaya district police chief Mohamad Fakhrudin Abdul Hamid said that the suspect brutally stabbed his partner 18 times with a paring knife, driven by jealousy. The police were led to the crime scene, where they found the victim’s lifeless body in a pool of blood and the knife believed to be the murder weapon.

The victim had left her husband and children in India to come to Malaysia with the suspect about three months ago, using a social visit pass. She worked as a hairdresser in Kota Damansara, while the suspect was employed as a restaurant waiter at a shopping complex in the federal capital.

“The suspect along with seven other occupants of the condominium unit were remanded for seven days since June 4 to assist in the investigation under Section 302 for murder,” said Mohamad Fakhrudin.

The brutal crime highlights the devastating consequences of unchecked jealousy and the need for better support systems for individuals in such situations. As the investigation continues, the community grapples with the loss and the impact of this senseless act of violence.

World News

Lee Shuyi

Lee is an expat writer living in Thailand. She specialises in Southeast Asian news for the Thaiger. When she's not writing, Lee enjoys immersing herself in Thai culture and learning Thai.

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