Divine match: Thai woman’s prayer to Chinese God of Love leads to Singaporean soulmate

The notions of love at first sight and turning to a higher power for love may seem far-fetched but for one young smitten couple, Cupid’s Arrow struck true. A young Thai woman believes her prayer to the Chinese god of love at the Yueh Hai Ching Temple in Singapore led her to meet her Singaporean partner just two months later.
The Thai woman, Pimmada, arrived in Singapore in May 2022 for a two week holiday after the re-opening of borders. The 23 year old had heard that the Yueh Hai Ching Temple located on Phillip Street at Raffles Place was known to grant wishes, so she decided to pay a visit.
Unfortunately, the temple was closed on her first visit, so she offered her prayers from outside its doors. Undeterred, she returned for a second visit, praying for peace and prosperity for herself and her family. This time, a relative who was facing financial difficulties struck the lottery, leaving Pimmada in awe. She decided to visit the temple one more time just before leaving Singapore and prayed to Yue Lao, the Chinese god of love, hoping to find a partner, Shin Min Daily News reported.
Two months later, she met 28 year old Singaporean student, Yang Zi Hao, at a friend’s gathering in Thailand. Yang, who was studying for a Master’s degree in marketing in the country, recalled being smitten with Pimmada from the moment he saw her. Yang said…
“We had an instant connection, and I knew she was the one.”
Yang revealed he pursued her and asked her out multiple times before she agreed to date him.
Despite the language barrier (Pimmada spoke only Thai, while Yang struggled with English), the couple found a way to communicate using Google Translate and basic Thai language skills. They fell in love quickly and, after half a year of dating, decided to get married.
They returned to Singapore for the Registry of Marriage ceremony and also visited the temple to express their gratitude. They plan to hold their wedding ceremony in Thailand in November.
Their story is a testament to the power of faith, destiny, and love transcending cultural and language barriers. Pimmada said…
“I have always believed that the gods listen to our prayers and help us find what we seek.”
Yang added…
“We know we’re meant to be together.”