Chon Buri man believed to have been killed by electric shock

An installation worker in the city district of Chon Buri province has been killed on the job yesterday when building a roof. The victim, 42 year old Yuttana Wanthayat, is believed to have been electrocuted when he stepped on a live power outlet on a wet floor. Officers from Chon Buri Police Station found Yuttana’s body facedown on the floor, with a broken power outlet at his feet.
The house owner, whose name is being withheld, said she wasn’t aware of what happened until someone told her Yuttana was unconscious on the floor. She said she had hired him to build a roof for her mushroom farm. Even though the police believe right now that Yuttana was electrocuted, they are still investigating the cause of his death.
Yuttana’s wife and mother in law told police that Yuttana worked in a shopping mall. They said he worked side gigs in installation and furbishing homes to help support his family. The two are reportedly devastated.
This news comes just after 2 other tragic, untimely deaths reported today. A fire in Phra Nakhon district in central Bangkok killed 2 women early this morning. Police believe they died of suffocation, however their bodies were sent to a hospital for a post-mortem examination. The women tragically lost were 33 and 75 years old.
Officers from Samran Rat police station believe that the pair might have gone to the 3d floor to run away from the fire, but couldn’t escape because the windows were barred.
SOURCE: The Pattaya News