Authorities say “no quarantine” for tourists returning from Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai

Despite a recent spike in Covid-19 local infections in northern Thailand’s Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, authorities are axing the requirement for a 14 day quarantine for tourists who have returned from those areas back to other parts of Thailand. Dr Taweesilp Visanuyothin, the spokesman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, scotched the rumours of some businesses claiming that such tourists would have to undergo self-isolation when returning from those areas.

“These companies made announcements in response to the discovery of new coronavirus cases, but we have not concluded on whether tourists must undergo 14 days quarantine or not.”

“However, people who are travelling in these provinces must take care of themselves, such as by wearing a face mask and washing hands regularly.”

The spike in local infections, came about after several Thai woman returned from Myanmar undetected, and skipped any sort of quarantine. 38 people have now tested positive for Covid-19, placing others around them at risk. They had all returned from the now notorious Myanmar 1G1-7 Hotel, in Tachileik, a border town. The establishment is known for employing sex workers, and recently becoming the centre of a Covid outbreak that has seen 38 local cases of Covid after such Thais have returned from the town, skirting quarantine requirements.

Dr Prasit Watanapa from the Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital says the coronavirus currently circulating in Myanmar is a different strain and is being transmitted 20% faster than the one detected in Wuhan at the start of the pandemic.

As of yesterday, the number of confirmed cases in Thailand has increased to 4,192, with 217 being hospitalised, 3,915 being listed as recovered and discharged, while 60 have succumbed to the deadly virus.

SOURCE: The Nation

Northern Thailand News

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