Thailand is the 61st happiest country in the world

On a list of 146 countries on the World Happiness Index, Thailand ranks at 61. Finland was ranked the happiest country, while Afghanistan was ranked least happy. Finland has been ranked the happiest country in the world for five years in a row.
An editor of the World Happiness Report said after the Covid-19 pandemic, all three acts labeled “acts of kindness” have increased: helping strangers, volunteering, and donations. The editor said the acts of kindness have increased by almost 25% what they were before Covid-19.
“This surge of benevolence provides powerful evidence that people help others in need, creating in the process more happiness for beneficiaries…”.
Though Thailand is somewhere in the middle on the World Happiness Index, it ranks in third place on the list of nine Southeast Asian countries. In Southeast Asia, Singapore is the happiest country, and Myanmar is the least happy.
Thailand has had some not-so-great rankings on other lists. On a scale of zero to 100, with zero being highly corrupt, Thailand scores 35, according to a ranking on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index. Countries that scored 100 were almost free of corruption. The average score of all countries was 45. Thailand’s ranking also dropped from 104 to 110 out of 180 countries. Nations ranked first place were least corrupt, while countries ranked in 180th place were most corrupt.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post