Thai frog farmer says country music is his key to success

A 72 year old man from Trang province in southern Thailand says that Thai country music, or “Luk Thung,” is the key to a successful frog farm. Not only do frogs love country music, but it makes them healthier, stronger and grow faster, he claims.
Rit Lomkong has been raising frogs for five years and he says they can’t live without Luk Thung. Rit says that when he turns the music off, the frogs become aggressive.
Without country music, the frogs jump out of their pen, attack each other and even eat each other, he said.
As soon as the music starts, the frogs settle down, close their eyes and drift off to sleep, said Rit. It calms them right down.
The frog farmer said there is good money in raising frogs to sell. He raises the frogs for three to four months, then sells them on. He said he makes tens of thousands of baht from each generation of frogs, which he raises in ten ponds.
He said it’s easy money for an elderly man because he doesn’t have to leave his house to sell the frogs. He said he has plenty of customers who come to his house to buy frogs.
Rit said he has gone through ten radios while raising frogs and has recently bought more spares in case the power goes out.
Grilled frog is a popular dish all over Thailand. However, the safety of consuming frog meat is debated.
In May, Thailand’s Department of Health issued a warning that “bullfrog shots” could contain parasites after the dish was gaining popularity on social media. The department said that “bullfrog shots” – cooked bullfrog, spicy sauce and dried chilli served in a shot glass – could contain parasites and make you very ill if not cooked properly.