Pao Tang app provides free birth control from NHSO

The Thai government is addressing unwanted pregnancies in the country with a new programme offering free birth control pills. A deputy spokesperson for the government explained that the programme would help women get access to free birth control using a mobile app called Pao Tang.
The campaign was created to try to slow the frequency of unintentional and unwanted pregnancies in the kingdom, with the spokesperson pointing out that the teen pregnancy rate in Thailand has been on the rise since 2016. The programme is aimed at slowing teen pregnancy but the birth control is available for Thai women between the ages of 15 and 59.
The birth control campaign is being launched by the National Health Security Office and women can download the Pao Tang app and order pills for free up to 13 times per year. Each registration on the app allows the user to order up to three packs of contraceptive pills as well.
For those less tech-savvy people who may not be able to access the app and order through their mobile devices, the programme allows women to order and pick up their pills in person as well. Those interested simply need to go to any clinic or medical facility that is registered as part of the NHSO campaign and show their ID card and they will be able to receive the birth control pills.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post