Boo in Nong Bon: Local grandma spooks community with twilight tales of ghostly bamboo antics

Rumours have spread throughout the Nong Bon community that an older woman known as Grandma Prapong is a local ghost, reportedly seen lurking in the bamboo forest and exhibiting peculiar behaviour at dusk. The intrigue escalated to such an extent that it frightened children into feverish states, leading local paranormal investigator, Prasert, to intervene and verify the validity of these ghostly claims.

The whispers began to circulate in the Nong Bon community, in Nikhom Pattana district, Rayong province, yesterday, around 3pm. locals were adamant that they had seen an old woman, assumed to be a ghost, scavenging for food at twilight. The rumours reached Prasert, who is known for his spiritual sensitivity, prompting him to examine whether the ghostly claims were human or supernatural.


Accompanied by his trusty snake Gigi, Prasert ventured to the outskirts of the village where Grandma Prapong was said to emerge from the bamboo grove at dusk. Upon arrival, they encountered, 65 years old Prapong Rarum, with sparse white hair, stepping out from the bamboo. When asked, whether she was a ghost, the elderly woman responded in a faint voice, “No.”

Prapong explained that she liked to venture into the forest to look for bees, forage for wild goods, and collect rubbish to sell old items. She denied being a ghost or a ghoul. Her fondness for scaring the local children, she explained, was due to their unruly behaviour, as they would not go home even after dusk. Some were so frightened that they fell sick.

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Prapong further advised that people should not be afraid of ghosts, but rather, they should fear humans, as some can be much more terrifying.

After interacting with Prapong, Prasert concluded that she was merely a pitiable woman trying to make ends meet. He then kindly offered her a sum of money to buy rice, reported Sanook.

Thailand News

Samantha Rose

Samantha was a successful freelance journalist who worked with international news organisations before joining Thaiger. With a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from London, her global perspective on news and current affairs is influenced by her days in the UK, Singapore, and across Thailand. She now covers general stories related to Thailand.

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