Bangkok volunteer group “Sai Mai Will Survive” overwhelmed with calls

PHOTO: Thia PBS/Screen shot youtube

Covid infected people in Bangkok’s Sai Mai district are reportedly desperate for help. A volunteer group, “Sai Mai Will Survive”, which assists the area, is being inundated with calls for assistance. The group gets around 100 calls a day asking for assistance.

Sai Mai Will Survive was established during the first wave of Covid in Thailand. At that time, the members could be counted on 1 hand, with possibly a finger to spare. Last August, the volunteer group set up their official Facebook page as they theorised that Covid wasn’t going anywhere fast. Now, there are about 20 times their original number. The volunteers say they are ready to help people in the Sai Mai area, which has a population of about 200,000 people.

On Monday, Plantations International provided Pattaya residents with food and water.


Bangkok NewsCovid-19 NewsThailand News

Jack Connor

Jack is from the USA, has a B.A. in English, and writes on a variety of topics. He lives in Thailand.

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