Police warn child pornography is a serious matter after teacher caught downloading clips

Photo via police Talks.

Siriwat Deepor, deputy commander in chief of the Royal Thai Police, says police have arrested a teacher at a renowned school in Chiang Rai after the teacher downloaded hundreds of pornographic videos of children. They did not give the teacher’s name or the name of the school.

The police allege the individual kept the videos for their own enjoyment and that they confessed to downloading the clips.


The police say child pornography is a serious matter that can carry with it an (up to) 5 year jail sentence, and if the material is shared, the sentence will be higher.

They urge those that have a preference for child pornography to avoid such behaviour. They say they will be increasingly looking out for those who attempt to view such videos as it is harmful to minors.

Child pornography laws in Thailand are defined as such (translated from Thai via google translate):

Section 287/1 Whoever possesses child pornography for the purpose of sexual exploitation for himself or another shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years. or a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand baht or both

If the offender under paragraph one transmits child pornography to others shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years, or a fine not exceeding one hundred and forty thousand baht or both fine


section 287/2 whoever:

(1) For commercial purposes or by trade for distribution or for displaying to the public, making, producing, possessing, importing or having to import into the Kingdom to export or to be exported outside the Kingdom, to take or not to take away or to spread by any means child pornography.

(2) Engages in the trade or is involved in or is involved in the child pornography trade. Distributes or shows off to the public or rents child pornography.

(3) Helps spread or trafficks in child pornography, then advertises or spread the news by any means that a person has committed an offense under this Section or advertising or spreading the news that such child pornography will be available from any person or by any means shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of 3 to 10 years. and a fine from 60,000 baht to 200,000 baht

They add:

The Royal Thai Police asks for cooperation from the people. If found any such illegal acts, please report clues to Hotline 191 and Royal Thai Police Hotline 1599 24 hours a day

SOURCE: Police Talks

Northern Thailand News

Jack Connor

Jack is from the USA, has a B.A. in English, and writes on a variety of topics. He lives in Thailand.

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