John Cena breaks world record for most wishes granted in foundation

WWE superstar John Cena has broken another record, but this time it isn’t in the ring. Cena is now the world record holder of the most wishes granted through the Make-A-Wish foundation, with 650 wishes fulfilled. The foundation helps children who have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses by granting their wishes. Some choose to meet a celebrity, give a gift to someone, or attend an event.
The children targeted are usually between 2.5 and 18 years old, with many celebrities choosing the foundation as a giving back outlet. The Guinness Book of World records told NPR, an American broadcasting station, that they were excited to see Cena choose the foundation.
“We’re thrilled to celebrate John Cena and his involvement with the Make-A-Wish foundation.”
Cena’s WWE career started in 2002 he also granted his first wish in the same year through the foundation. In 2012, Cena granted his 100th wish while being the most popular celebrity in the foundation. In 2015, he fulfilled his 500th wish.
“I can’t say enough how cool it is to see the kids so happy, and their families so happy, I truly want to show them that it’s their day. I just drop everything. I don’t care what I’m doing. There is no greater humbling experience than meeting a child who could ask for anything in the world.”
Make-A-Wish says Cena is the most requested celebrity and that he is the only one that has ever granted more than 200 wishes in the history of the foundation. Cena is a 16-time wrestling world champion, former rapper and actor. He is also a New York Times best-selling author. As Cena gained popularity, he preached an ethos of “Hustle, Loyalty, Respect” to his followers that became dubbed the “Cenation.”