Woman accuses Thai politician of sending her unsolicited pictures of his genitals

A Thai woman accuses a famous political party spokesperson of sending her unsolicited photos of his genitals and threats via Facebook. The woman filed a police complaint, with evidence, at Sutthisan Police Station in Bangkok today. She accused the spokesperson of violating the Computer Crimes Act by disseminating obscene material online.
The 40 year old victim said the man sent her images of his penis that she didn’t ask for, alongside threats saying he would find her at her home. She said the spokesperson also sent her photos of her own personal registration documents and more threats.
He also allegedly sent her 3 pictures of another woman’s genitals, and said if her genitals looked the same, she should go to his house. He allegedly told the victim that her genitals “were probably too dark” and not beautiful like the genitals in the photos he sent her.
She said the reason she knows the politician – who is somewhat a celebrity with 700,000 followers on Facebook – is because he was acquainted with her ex-boyfriend. However, her ex-boyfriend also had problems with the accused over a long winded defamation case.
The woman wants to keep her identity hidden. She said she is scared justice will not be served because he is influential and she is just an “ordinary woman.”
Upon questioning, the accused allegedly denied the allegations, and said he will sue the woman for defamation over the accusations.
On June 6, the accused will give further testimony.
SOURCE: Matichon