Torture and forced disappearances bills pass House vote 368-0

4 bills on torture and forced disappearances have now successfully passed the House of Representatives in a triumph for human rights in Thailand. One member of parliament abstained from voting while the rest voted unanimously in favour of the 4 bills in a vote of 368 to 0.
The bills include 34 sections covering a wide range of facets of dealing with the corrupt practices of forced disappearances and torture in the country. The bill differentiates these crimes and calls for them to be handled separately, treated as special cases with jurisdiction being granted to the Department of Special Investigations.
After investigation by the DSI, the bills also would push trials for cases involving torture and forced disappearances to the Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct for judgement.
The bills encompass topics such as rehabilitation for the victims of maltreatment and abuse, as well punishment for offenders convicted of the practice. Included in the punishments proposed by the bill is the insistence that supervisors that are aware of their subordinates’ actions but fail to take action to prevent torture or forced disappearance are also held accountable and face punishment for their contribution to the abuse.
Justice Minister Somsak Thepsuthin lauded the urgent need for these bills to tackle abuse by state officials who have at times severely violated human rights by engaging in torture or when suspects or people in custody of officials disappear suddenly and mysteriously.
The bills are aligned with international standards and are in compliance with current international treaties on tortures and forced disappearances worldwide.,
SOURCE: National News Bureau Of Thailand