Grieving mother calls for Dating App Killer’s execution

After being told her daughter had been seriously injured, a distraught mother relied on contact and details from her daughter’s new boyfriend. He said there had been a robbery and her daughter was in bad shape, in the hospital and needing money for treatment. She sent all her money and then sold her gold necklace to send more.
Her daughter was in such bad shape she was too weak to take phone calls until her mother got word from her boyfriend that she had died in Sirirat Hospital and she would need to borrow money to pay for her funeral. When the grief-stricken mother asked to see photos of her newly deceased daughter, the boyfriend went silent, stopped answering calls, and disappeared.
That’s because there was no robbery. Her boyfriend, now known as the Dating App Killer, made the whole story up.
The robbery, the hospital stay, the daughter too weak to take calls… all fabricated. The only part that was true tragically was that the mother’s only child was dead. Not at the hands of a thief, but rather through intense torture and abuse the boyfriend himself had inflicted over a month as he held her captive in a rented room in Nonthaburi on the outskirts of Bangkok.
The 59 year old woman had just one daughter, who had two children from a previous relationship. According to ASEAN Now, the 26 year old had just gone to Bangkok for work when she met the Dating App Killer.
Now that heartbroken mother who once praised the man for taking care of her daughter at the start of their relationship is pulling no punches in calling for his punishment. and she is advocating for the Dating App Killer to suffer the same way her daughter suffered at his hands.
“He should be shot by firing squad or beaten to death.”
The daughter was found dead by Bang Yi Khan Police in a rented apartment, having suffered broken ribs, a fractured spine, and a broken skull. Her funeral is being held in the Amnat Charoen district of Muang where her mother spoke to the press to demand justice.
The killer had moved on and was repeating his brutal crime. He was arrested in Phatthalung where police found him with another woman with similar injuries from beatings and torture. She had been held captive for a month after meeting the man on a dating site the same as his last victim.
Authorities expect there may well be more victims of the Dating App killer yet to be uncovered.