More than 100,000 people register to grow cannabis at home in Thailand

Today is cannabis decriminalisation day, and the people of Thailand have wasted no time in registering to grow their own cannabis plants at home. Thailand’s FDA revealed that, so far, more than 100,000 budding cannabis growers have registered via the ‘Plook Ganja’ website and mobile application.
To legally grow cannabis or hemp at home, Thai people do not need to seek permission. All they need to do is notify the FDA that they intend to grow cannabis, which they can do in two ways.
Registration can be made through the ‘Plook Ganja’ (‘Grow Cannabis’) mobile application, which is available on IOS and Android. The application has been downloaded over 50,000 times already.
Alternatively, cannabis growers can register through the ‘Plook Ganja’ website, which will issue an electronic receipt when registration is complete. The website crashed this morning due to so many people trying to register at once, but now it is back up and running.
Upon registration, the cannabis cultivator must state their intentions for growing the plant, whether that is to treat a personal health issue, treat someone else’s health problem, for household use, to use in the production of other medicinal products or for commercial use (this list is not exhaustive).
For now, it appears that growing cannabis at home is a privilege reserved for Thais only, because registration requires a Thai ID card number.
All parts of cannabis plants – including the leaves, stalks, flowers, stems and roots – are no longer classified as a Category 5 narcotic, starting today, June 9. However, any extracts – such as oil – made from the plant must not contain more than 0.2% tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.
Possession of marijuana is no longer illegal in Thailand, but “releasing cannabis smoke” is punishable by 3 months in prison if someone reports the cannabis smoker as causing “public nuisance.”
Today, more than 3,000 “cannabis convicts” locked up for cannabis-related drug offences will be released from prisons all over Thailand.