DeeMoney’s ‘PIN TO SUCCESS’: a roadmap to greater success

“To operate a successful business, you need to have the right products and services and know how to apply innovations to better serve the market and heighten your success. More importantly, be flexible and always ready to adjust your plans in line with your goals.”
– Aswin Phlaphongphanich, CEO and Co-Founder, DeeMoney.
DeeMoney is a leading Thai fintech company specialising in international money transfers in more than 26 currencies to over 50 countries worldwide. In 2023, the company achieved impressive growth in all key metrics, including brand awareness, app downloads, and outbound transaction value.
DeeMoney’s brand awareness grew by 45% among target customers, according to a recent survey by Insight Asia. The company also saw a nearly 200% increase in app downloads, from January to November 2023. And total outbound transaction value increased by 30%.
This remarkable growth is a testament to the excellent leadership and vision of Aswin Phlaphongphanich, DeeMoney’s CEO and Co-Founder, and Rasmegh Srisethi, DeeMoney’s Managing Director and Co-Founder. The company is well-positioned for continued success in the years to come.
“Pin to Success” was the strategic goal laid out earlier this year. Key factors enabling the company to achieve the “Pin to Success” goals are an emphasis on unique selling points, proactive communications, creative promotion campaigns, and strong partnerships. In the past year, DeeMoney has emphasised its unique selling point of “better rate, faster, easier” transfer services through the OWNDEE campaign, which has effectively increased customer demand.

Proactive communication with different groups of customers has enabled DeeMoney to reach out to new customer groups. DeeMoney launched the first advertisement titled “OWNDEE Movie EP: Fast Global Money Transfers, Made Easy!” which created a buzz with over one million views in a very short period. In addition, the company has quickly adopted other social media platforms for its campaign. Its #DeeMoneyOWNDEEChallenge on TikTok was rewarded with a great market response with over 16 million views throughout the campaign period.
DeeMoney’s unwavering commitment to customer-centricity leads it to proudly champion the ethos of giving back to its customers. In 2023, the company orchestrated multiple ‘Flash Rates‘ promotions, strategically passing on greater savings to valued customers during favourable exchange rate fluctuations. Adding another layer to customer appreciation, the inception of the ‘OWNDEE Win Tesla’ campaign early in the year marked a new milestone. This raffle-based promotion exemplifies DeeMoney’s commitment to fairness, as it offers every customer an equal chance to win valuable prizes. At DeeMoney, putting customers first isn’t just a promise – it’s an ongoing mission.
Last but not least, a strong partnership network of existing and new partners has contributed largely to DeeMoney’s success in 2023. Collaborations with partners like SCB, particularly in penetrating the Myanmar markets, the introduction of cross-border payments from individuals to businesses in India, the USA, and the UK, and facilitating money transfers to wallets in the Philippines exemplifies DeeMoney’s commitment to providing ever-expanding options for customers.
In 2023, DeeMoney received notable recognition and awards, including being named one of the “FXC Intelligence’s 30 Most Promising Cross-Border Payment Companies” by FXC Intelligence, a financial data company specialising in benchmarking and market sizing data and intelligence. Additionally, DeeMoney earned the “Most Innovative Company” accolade and our CEO, Aswin Phlaphongphanich received the “Exceptional Entrepreneur” award presented by the BCCT King Power Thailand International Business Awards. This award is given to companies that have pioneered or created exceptionally innovative products and services and to executives who have achieved international success. Furthermore, Aswin Phlaphongphanich received the “Chosen by The People 2023” Award in the Technology Category. Aswin Phlaphongphanich was recognised as a “first mover” who entered the FinTech space early and moved into the cross-border money transfer market before the industry underwent significant disruptions.
Aswin said “DeeMoney shifts gears in 2024. After building brand awareness in 2023, we’ll drive growth with targeted offerings for both B2C and B2B segments. Four pillars fuel this expansion: amplified brand awareness, cutting-edge platform security, hyper-focused customer experiences, and community financial literacy.”
Press Release