Find your personal fashion style in Thailand

Have you ever wondered what your style is? Fashion encompasses a variety of concepts, from streetwear to minimalistic and vintage styles. It is quite difficult to find the ‘one’; sometimes, you may have a concept of your own, mixing and matching multiple styles. You may not be sure what your style is at the moment but with the huge fashion industry in Thailand, there are a variety of options available for you.

Find your style in Thailand

Embrace local culture and traditions

Find your personal fashion style in Thailand | News by Thaiger
Photo via Unsplash (Solen Feyissa)

Thailand’s rich cultural heritage offers a wealth of inspiration for personal fashion. Traditional Thai clothing, such as the elegant ‘Chut Thai’ or the vibrant ‘Sarong,’ can provide unique elements to incorporate into your style. You can visit local markets and cultural festivals to observe and appreciate traditional attire. Make sure you pay attention to the use of colours, patterns, and intricate embroidery that are characteristic of Thai clothing. Integrating elements like intricate patterns, bright colours, or traditional fabrics into your wardrobe can help you create a distinctive look that pays homage to Thai culture. You can start by adding a Thai silk scarf or a piece of traditional jewellery to your everyday outfits.

Thailand is famous for its beautiful fabrics and textiles, such as silk, cotton, and batik. These materials are often used in traditional garments but can also be found in contemporary fashion. Incorporating these fabrics into your wardrobe can add a touch of elegance and authenticity to your style. Look for clothing items made from Thai textiles or even consider having custom pieces made using these materials. You can visit fabric markets like the one in Bangkok’s Phahurat (Little India) to choose fabrics that you can use for bespoke clothing or as unique accessories. Even if Thailand’s style does not call out to you, it’s a great way to try a completely new style and explore your options!

Explore Bangkok’s fashion districts

A city like Bangkok is a fashion hub where you can discover a wide range of styles in areas like Siam Square, Chatuchak Market, and Pratunam are teeming with boutiques, street vendors, and shopping malls that cater to various fashion tastes. Siam Square is known for its trendy shops and young designer boutiques, while Chatuchak Market offers everything from vintage clothes to handmade accessories. Spend time exploring these districts to get a sense of current trends and find pieces that resonate with you. The diversity of options will help you experiment and refine your personal style. Don’t be afraid to spend a day shopping, trying on different outfits, and seeing what makes you feel confident and comfortable. You may fall in love with something you didn’t expect!

Follow local fashion influencers

Social media is a powerful tool for fashion inspiration. Follow Thai fashion influencers and bloggers on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Influencers such as Mayy R, Aimmy, and Mintchyy regularly share their fashion tips, favourite brands, and outfit ideas. Observing how they mix and match pieces can provide you with creative ideas on how to incorporate local trends into your own wardrobe. Additionally, influencers often highlight new and emerging local designers, giving you a sneak peek into the latest fashion trends in Thailand. Furthermore, participating in online fashion communities and engaging with influencers by asking questions or seeking advice can further refine your style.

Visit local tailors and designers

Class Bespoke Tailor
Photo via Class Bespoke Tailor

In the current era where the idea of one-size-fits-all is becoming a trend, customisation is becoming a necessity. Thailand is known for its skilled tailors and emerging fashion designers and visiting local tailors can offer you custom-made clothing that fits perfectly and reflects your personal style. Bangkok’s Sukhumvit area and Chiang Mai are famous for their tailoring shops. You can have bespoke suits, dresses, or even casual wear made to your exact specifications. For example, Class Bespoke Tailor, found in Sukhumvit, offers services where you can not only enhance your style through the help of the tailors but also have a perfect suit that is only meant for you. Additionally, exploring collections from Thai designers can introduce you to unique designs and high-quality garments that aren’t available in mainstream stores. Supporting local designers not only helps you find unique pieces but also contributes to the local economy. Attend fashion shows and exhibitions to discover and connect with new talents in the Thai fashion industry. You can find style inspiration anywhere, as long as you keep your options open!

Remember to adapt to the climate

Thailand’s tropical climate should influence your fashion choices. Lightweight, breathable fabrics are essential for staying comfortable in the heat and humidity. Opt for natural fibres like cotton and linen, which allow your skin to breathe. Loose-fitting clothing and layered outfits can help you adapt to fluctuating temperatures, especially during the rainy season or when moving between air-conditioned spaces and the outdoors. Accessories like hats, sunglasses, and lightweight scarves can also add to your style while providing protection from the sun. Avoid heavy fabrics like denim and synthetics that can trap heat and moisture, making you uncomfortable.

A linen dress, jumpsuit, or a pair of crop pants can be a simple go-to in the local weather. However, it’s important to remember, that any piece of clothing might crease. Consider getting a travel steamer for quick fixes. Among swimwear, one-piece suits are popular and quite versatile, doubling as tops. Simultaneously, pack lightweight flip-flops for hostel showers or beach strolls.

Express your individuality

Find your personal fashion style in Thailand | News by Thaiger
Photo via pexels (Digital Buggu)

While it’s important to draw inspiration from local trends and culture, your personal style should ultimately reflect your individuality. Don’t be afraid to mix Thai elements with pieces that represent your own tastes and preferences. Experiment with different looks, combine traditional and modern styles, and accessorise boldly. Fashion is a form of self-expression, so let your personality shine through your outfits. Try creating mood boards or keeping a fashion journal to track what styles and pieces make you feel most confident.

Sustainable and ethical fashion

Consider the impact of your fashion choices on the environment and society. Thailand has a growing movement towards sustainable and ethical fashion. Many brands focus on eco-friendly materials, fair trade practices, and supporting local artisans. By choosing sustainable fashion, you not only contribute to a better planet but also discover unique and meaningful pieces that align with your values. Look for brands that are transparent about their production processes and seek out items that are made from recycled materials or through ethical labour practices.

Finding your personal fashion style in Thailand is an enriching and enjoyable journey that blends cultural exploration with self-expression. By embracing local traditions, exploring vibrant fashion districts, and incorporating unique Thai elements, you can develop a style that is both distinctive and authentic. Remember, the key to great fashion is confidence, so wear what makes you feel good and let your personal style shine in every outfit you create. Embrace the adventure of discovering new trends, experimenting with different looks, and expressing your unique identity through your fashion choices. Consequently, if you are prepared to embark on a journey of fashion exploration in Thailand, this guide stands to help you discover your style!

Want to know more about the impact of recycling fashion in 2024? Fashion enthusiasts are now choosing to recycle their wardrobes where they mix old-school vibes with the latest trends. The satisfaction comes from the creativity of piecing old and new clothing together which also contributes to the health of the environment. Bringing back recycled fashion hits two birds with one stone – we get to be trendsetters and do our bit for Mother Earth.


Bernice Zheng

With an interest in Product Management and Marketing, Bernice's experience consists of being a Growth Marketing Intern at RippleMatch, a Product Management Intern for TUMI, and the Co-Director of Princeton’s Entrepreneurship Club (Tigers In Product). Her passion for photography and videography has also drawn her to develop her marketing and content creation skills.

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