From regulation to cannabis delivery, here’s what you need to know about cannabis in Thailand

A cannabis frenzy swept over Thailand after the government removed the plant from the banned narcotics list on June 6. You’ve probably noticed that the plant is sprouting up everywhere around the country. Today, you can find more cannabis-friendly offerings than ever before, from desserts and Thai food to spa treatments. You can even have it delivered straight to your door using a legal cannabis delivery service, such as Pattaya Weed Delivery.
There are, of course, still dos and don’ts regarding cannabis use; here’s what you need to know.
Why did Thailand decriminalise marijuana?

The main goal of Thailand’s decision to remove marijuana and hemp from its list of prohibited narcotics was to make it simpler for growers and consumers of cannabis-based products to obtain the plant for medical and health purposes.
Numerous studies worldwide have shown that both THC and CBD in cannabis can help treat several conditions. One of the most common uses is for pain control, particularly to ease nerve pain and the discomfort of multiple sclerosis. The controversial plant is also found to be effective in controlling specific types of epilepsy and may slow down the growth of some types of cancer. Furthermore, there is evidence that supports the use of cannabis to relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
But aside from its medical benefits, Thailand also sees the sacred plant as a new industry. By decriminalising marijuana, the Thai government aims to boost the country’s economy, especially in the agricultural and tourism sector.
So, can you smoke and consume cannabis in Thailand?
If you’re wondering whether you can smoke and consume cannabis in Thailand, the short answer is yes. With the new law, anyone over the age of 20 can possess and use cannabis — but with some rules.
Recreational use of cannabis has become increasingly popular throughout the country. This fuels a budding industry in cannabis buds, food, and beverages.
It’s legal for cafes and restaurants to serve cannabis-infused products. That is, as long as the cannabis extract in the products contains less than 0.2% THC. THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the primary psychoactive compound that makes you high. Extracts that contain more than 0.2% of THC are still illegal. Cannabidiol (CBD), on the other hand, is less controlled. CBD is the chemical in cannabis that doesn’t make you high.
Cannabis flowers aren’t considered extracts, so they don’t have to contain less than 0.2% THC. This is why you can find many businesses offering high THC cannabis flowers over the counter and even via delivery.

Just bear in mind that smoking weed for fun in a public space is still illegal. So don’t try to light up a joint in a park if you don’t want to pay the hefty fine of up to 25,000 baht and face a jail sentence of up to three months.
Finding cannabis products in Thailand
From cannabis-infused Thai curries and pizzas to cannabis brownies and gummies, the options of cannabis products continue to grow. That’s why it’s pretty easy to find a business offering “relaxing” treats.
And in a world where you can get just about anything you want online, it only makes sense for cannabis to arrive at your home with only a few clicks. If you don’t want to drive to the nearest café, you can trust a specialist cannabis delivery service like Pattaya Weed Delivery to deliver the best strains and products to your doorstep.
To ensure their service is entirely legal, Pattaya Weed Delivery uses Payment on Delivery as their payment method. This way, they can make sure that the customer is over 20 years old and not pregnant. If they find the person who orders is way too young or pregnant, they will refuse to sell their products. But if the person qualifies, then they can continue to make payment by cash or by the bank.
Beyond the ease of ordering from the comfort and privacy of your own home, using a cannabis delivery service provides a broader selection and gives you time to explore and learn — all at your fingertips. You can avoid traffic, parking, and all the headaches of city driving, so you can enjoy undisturbed relaxation. Cannabis delivery also allows you to take your time learning about your options. The website of the delivery service includes all the information you need. This encourages you to make an informed decision.

The Thai parliament is now considering a more comprehensive draft law on cannabis regulation, with new government bills introduced to clear blurred lines. Advocates predict that the laws governing use will become more relaxed in the upcoming years. Anutin Charnvirakul, Thailand’s Public Health Minister, also stated that he was open to the further liberalisation of the plant.